Sunday, September 15, 2013

Go With Your Gifts

I am so excited about this ministry opportunity, and leave it to YHWH, it's a business opportunity as well.  I joined the chamber of commerce as an avenue to participate in some community youth programs, and lo and behold along with that invitation, came an awareness and appreciation for my natural product line.

I've spoken with several people who still believe money should be the motivation factor for working.  Scripture doesn't indicate that and from what I see in the headlines, it's not working out for a larger and larger portion of our society, formerly known as the work force.  I've actually discovered the real difference between being successful and struggling.  Our society may draw a dollar and cents line, because that's the current standard, but the reality is, contentedness is not based upon finances, but rather perspective.

What is referred to as the One Percent or the wealthiest Americans are doing what they love to do.  Bill Gates is a prime example of my point.  When he was being told to not drop out of school, do you really think money was his motivating factor?  Of course not!  If money had been, he'd have stayed in college.

Let's take Rush Limbaugh for another example, another man with whom I disagree, but both of these men are perfect examples of what I'm talking about.  Rush came from a well to do family of lawyers.  Now, that wasn't his choice of making a living.  Obviously, that niche would have been already carved and established for him, but he liked the sound of his own voice and enjoyed expressing his own ideas, and voila, he turned that into a multi-million dollar empire of one man with one voice!  But the money wasn't the primary goal when he blazed that unfamiliar trail.  As a matter of fact, radio in the 70's was nothing more than a job as a DJ.  Certainly nothing to make your family of attorneys proud!

The reason the 98% are not happy is two fold.  One, they got in dead end jobs to make money . . . and now they realize their goal isn't worth so much to anybody else, or even to them.  The One Percent and the Other 1 Percent uses money as a means to an end, not the goal.  I don't have a multi-million dollar empire, but the business that began as a hobby with the call G-d placed on my life has truly enabled me to have a greater purpose than simply trying to make money.  I already know, I have no desire to be in The One Percent, and I don't fit in well with the 98%, either!

The fact of the matter is this.  The men who are in The 1% who did not inherit their fortune, set out, not to make a fortune but to accomplish something, and they used their passions and talents to that end.  I don't share the goals of the two men I mentioned, but as their lives have unfolded successfully, we can see that power is more important to Mr. Gates than money, and an audience was more important to Mr. Limbaugh.  The money was a side benefit.  They may feel differently now, but money was not their motivating force when they launched their incredible journeys to the upper strata of wealth now known as The One Percent.

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