Sunday, February 22, 2015

Further Developments

Oil prices haven't really gone up significantly, but gasoline prices are once again climbing.  I've lost track of how many cargo ships can't enter port to be unloaded, gold is still more expensive than platinum; and yet we continue "business as usual."  How much longer will the house of cards we call the American economy continue to stand?

Actually, our economy which is based upon perpetual motion could be collapsed possibly months before the ripple effect stops.  There's been so much borrowing and kicking the can down the road, we may not recognize an actual collapse, even if it were to be sudden.  Many would just presume it to be another glitch or bump, until pandemonium ensues.  According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, the price of beef will continue to increase.  Although the article was written in November, it is stated the increase will be passed on over several months at the grocery store.  The link is included below.

America has placed ourselves in a very precarious position of global dependency, then out priced ourselves to each other with strikes looming at the refineries and the docks.  The price of livestock on the hoof is higher than I've seen it since I began homesteading.  The cost of grain and hay are at some significant lows due to bumper harvests and multiple cuttings.  The cost correlation really isn't making any sense for a stable recovery.

This time, the American economy will not collapse with the closing of banks.  Control and rationing of food and health care will enslave all those who are dependent.  So much is already in place, the next economic collapse may actually look like complete care and provision . . .

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Economic Imbalance

For the most part, the other 1% doesn't invest much in Stock Market, Bonds, or precious metals, but we do watch them.  The stock market is manipulated and bonds are government controlled, but when precious metals get out of balance, I know fear and manipulation are contributing to the imbalance.  Whether it's manipulation to cause the fear or fear driving the buying or selling, the love of money and fear are a toxic combination for an economy already in critical condition.

Not to beat this dead horse, but it seems the news of disgraced anchorman, Brian Williams, should alert us all to the fact, we may not be hearing the truth and it may be several years before the actual facts are discovered or made known.  We know the Wall Street fat cats will manipulate and take a raise with taxpayer bailout money.  We also know the reputation of Washington politicians.  The integrity of mainstream media has been questioned years before Mr. Williams gave confirmation to our doubt.

The bottom line is, the dollar is in trouble.  The Federal Reserve has just printed too many.  I did take the time to notice the newer $5, $10, $20, and $50 has an eerie colorization similar to MONOPOLY.  The five has a pinkish background behind the oversized Lincoln face.  The ten is yellowish, the twenty - green, and the fifty has a bluish background in a patriotic motif, but the correlation between currency and game money is oddly recognizable.  With the dollar in trouble, while oil has devalued, is significant.  The OPEC nations can't pump oil like the Feds can run the printing press!

The stock market is absolutely manipulated beyond recognition, so it is rather irrelevant in the equation at this point.  I think we're at the point of paying interest on the interest of national debt and bonds.  I've looked at some real estate, and once again the prices are incongruent with an actual market, while the real estate market seems to be nearly flooded with commercial property . . . That is an indicator that independent businesses are not surviving the so called "recovery."  Precious metals and land are not commensurate in dollar value at this time.

With irregularity amidst the metals as well as inconsistency in real estate, we may discover this "economic recovery" is more political rhetoric and headlines, than actuality and bottom line.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


As I read, yet another article on the heated debate regarding measles and vaccinations, I noticed the measles problem began in Disneyland.

I continue to be surprised by those claiming to be discerning believers in Messiah who take their kids to Disneyland or Disney World.  It's been a well known fact for years that Disney was part of the dark agenda to claim our kids.  So why are we dividing amongst ourselves?  Disney has been inundating America's children with sexual programming, magic, and sorcery for over half a century.  There should be no surprise that Disney would be a part of the push for pharmaceuticals in the last days.  The end results of promoters and users of pharmakeia were prophesied centuries before Big Pharma came into existence.

Rather than argue amongst ourselves, perhaps it's time to recognize the wake up call to truly come out from among them and be separate.  Rather than vaccinations, the solution may be to stop mixing holy with profane.  Do our children really benefit from being introduced to "The Magic Kingdom?"

Sunday, February 1, 2015


DBA is the acronym for "doing business as."  Here in America, the independent business person is getting a lot of pressure to give up their personal convictions to maintain their business.  I've watched the situation with Chick-Fil-A and of course a number of Christian owned bakeries being attacked by the Gay Agenda.  I know in my own business, my politics and personal spiritual beliefs make and break several business deals.  I meet folks through fellowship and common interests, who become customers.  Patrons and friends have been gained when I've reach out to help with an alternative or natural product or suggestion.  By that same token, a clash of political or spiritual beliefs have resulted in loss of business as well.

Other than thinking both parties are just two heads of the same serpent, I don't have a lot of political clashes, as I am bipartisanly annoying.  There are those who believe I'm shirking my patriotic duty by not participating in elections, but I believe I have a stronger voice through media than by way of ballot . . . and that voice still isn't much.  Political leanings don't seem to have the influence on customers of the Big Corporations, like those of the independent businesses.  For instance, those who boycott family owned businesses over the gay agenda, aren't too upset to buy gasoline provided by the OPEC nations, which for the most part rule homosexuality to be punishable by death . . .  By the same token, those who are adamantly against abortion, are many times still purchasing pharmaceuticals from the same companies that manufacture abortifacient drugs or patronize pharmacies that carry and sell abortifacient drugs.

Independent business folk can lose customers over religious differences of the same G-d, yet products from China continue to be purchased.  China is a Communist country.  The Communist Party claims to be atheistic. China is markedly pro-abortion.  Many products come from India, a predominantly Hindu nation, and Pakistan is predominantly Islam, but we buy items from those nations without a second thought of the religious views of the factory worker or owner.

Why do Americans monetize our differences, personally, yet are willing to finance many things we don't agree with, when the offending entity is faceless?