Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Exodus

I'm going to reminisce today.  Many of the remnant are feeling an urgency to come out from among "them" and be separate.  The attachment to "things" is waning, even the acceptance of failed relationships are coming to peaceful closure.  Change is coming for many.  For some it will be a simple spiritual change, as in holiday celebrations and feast observance.  For others, it will be employment, education, or health care, and for some it will even result in geographical relocation.

I've experienced all those changes in the past twenty years of following Messiah, and most of these major changes occurred through this season.  Every area of change has brought me to a more literal faith in the Scriptural way of life, which has brought me closer to YHWH, but it's also taken me farther from the cultural norm of our society.  Every change has loosened a cultural bondage . . . freed me from the rule of figurative Egypt.

I celebrate the Feast days of YHWH.  I'm sure I don't do them all properly, but I've laid down tradition and hopefully YHWH is pleased in my attempt to honor Him in the days He has appointed.  This employment deal is awesome.  I actually make a living using the talents YHWH gave me to begin with.  I was asked recently the difference between talents and spiritual gifts. Here is my understanding in my life.  Back in High School typing class, within the first quarter I was typing over 80 words a minute, on a manual Royal.  Admittedly, it was an old typewriter, but the budget only allowed for two electric typewriters at the time.  Those old manuals simply did not wear out.  Now, back to my talent.  My typing speed is still quite fast, that's a talent much needed by this writer.  The spiritual gift on the other hand, is from the Holy Spirit living in me, which provides the discernment and wisdom for the words I share in books and articles.

I also have a business of natural health and beauty products that has blossomed from my own personal use to an actual business.  In following Messiah, I walked away from allopathic health care altogether.

Although many of these things were already in place and practice to a degree in my life, the big change came nine years ago, two days after Passover, when I was called to relocate.  YHWH had shown me a pillar of fire, but I had to wait . . . until the vision.  The vision was clear, the destination unknown.  By three o'clock that afternoon, there was a for sale sign in the yard, the car packed, and I was heading down the high way in the direction that I'd seen the pillar.  It was very exciting and peaceful at the same time.  To be eating matzo on this journey, while embarking upon the unknown, was so much more than an emotional contentedness   I knew, the changes YHWH had made in me, and I knew more change was coming.  In this, I also knew, it is still truly possible to live Scripture!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Made in America

A few years ago, I hosted a land radio show entitled "Choosing Life."  In one of the promos for the show, I made the comment, "If you want something that's actually made in America, you're going to have to make it at home!"  Overstated just a bit, perhaps, but we really had gotten away from entrepreneurialism and manufacturing.  Manufacturing is now being redefined, and finally I think something good is coming out of one of our social redefinitions.

When Bush 43 reclassified the fast food industry to manufacturing, some folks realized that really didn't create jobs or increase American industry.  Importing burgers and fries would really slow down the concept of "fast food!"  With the realization that reclassification was just smoke and mirrors, and the actual job situation was becoming bleak, some tapped into their entrepreneurial energy and realized hobbies on a back burner were actually talents to be used to make a living!  I'm one of those folks, and truly enjoy that fact.

The reason I share this, is because it's possible for all of us, in one way or another.  The beautiful fact of the matter is, our Creator didn't give all of us the same talents.   So we can actually buy, sell, and trade, according to need and supply, like every successful civilization throughout history has done.  One of the real problems facing this country, is it was founded with other people doing the work, so self-employment is not really foundational here, as it has been in other cultures.  Fortunately, writers of the Declaration of Independence had the right idea.  The unalienable rights endowed by our Creator, regarding life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness serves truly as the springboard for this very concept.

The guarantee is in Joshua 1:8.  This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Odd Ducks

The modern term for "peculiar people" may be odd ducks, misfits, or non-conformists; are certainly "outside of mainstream."  I basically fit that description, as do many in our culture, but our culture offers a myriad of ways to be non-conformists.  The problem we overlook in estimating the 1% with the 98% in the Wall Street stand-off is the 1% are the minority and certainly don't spend their time in "mainstream."

One of the secrets to being content, truly content; is to not compare one's self or worth by material standards.  This big stand-off between the uber wealthy and the declining middle class has become just about money and material wealth, and of course division.  The extreme wealth of a few may have some influence on corrupt politicians, but it's members of the 98% that continue to elect those corrupt people.  Over half of the representatives in Washington DC are members of the 1%.  The unhappy 98% need to see that, realize that, and understand that!

When the 98% chose to sit in protest, that was a clear indication this "movement" was going nowhere.  The wealthy 1% continued on their path while, the Other 1%, however; simply got moving, another direction away from being valued by the money one makes and the assets one acquires.  This is America, I suppose we all have a "net worth," but I have a value far beyond my material possessions.  The Creator of the universe gave each of us talents and gave His Son for the world.  Why are we discussing mere dollars that hold no value?

It is my firm conviction that the Other 1% know our value is not based upon the materialism of this nation, but upon the purpose and plan of our Creator, and our willingness to follow His Son in that plan.  It's sad that our nation has become so caught up in materialism and division that a life based upon G-dly simplicity is considered outside of mainstream.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Opportunity or . . . Owned

A friend in social media suggested I join the ever growing network of "nature friendly products."  This particular social reference pertained to products that were not tested on animals.  I've always joked in the truth that I don't test my products on animals, I make family and friends try them . . . So at first I was excited at the opportunity to apply for membership in this group.  My enthusiasm passed quickly into contemplation as I really thought about what this meant for my business.

My next venture was going to be natural products for animals, such as doggie shampoo and flea and tick repellent.  How will I know if it works, if I don't test it on my animals?  If I do test it on my animals, then I'm breaking the agreement I've made with these promotional sites.  That was only the first thought of my dilemma.  The next thought really bothered me, although it's difficult to actually say why.

I've made several products out of need for loved ones.  These products formulated to bring comfort to my children and grandchildren aren't tested before they are applied, they are simply created to provide comfort and healing for whatever the complaint.  As a business person, does that mean I'm using my family in a way that is seen as cruelty to animals?  Sometimes I think we have created so many causes, we're on the brink of causing creativity to cease.

For the most part, I try my products on myself first, but those are just simple soaps and oils.  The products that bring comfort and ease for specific conditions are formulated at the time they are needed.  A few have been developed for my own use, but many, I've developed for someone else.  It's really just a matter of trying something to see if it helps!   Seeing if it helps is the same thing as "testing."

Upon giving serious thought to the completion of this application, I saw several situations that could "come back on me."  First, I have no idea what all the laws are where some of my product grows indigenously, so I I'm not willing to sign my name to full assurance of their ethics and practice.  Second, considering the fact I "test" my products on my beloved grandchildren seems ridiculous in some company's concern for animals. Third, how will I develop natural products for pets, if I don't test them on animals?  Finally when it comes right down to it, I don't want to promote products that haven't been tested.   I refuse to promote a product simply based on an idea it will be useful or effective.  I realize every product doesn't always help everyone, but a business cannot promote a product without know it's effectiveness, just to make money!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Credit Ratings Are Propaganda

This fact forms a wonderful little acronym that may serve us well to remember.  I remember visiting a budding mega-church back in the late 70's that may have very will been the birth place of the prosperity gospel.  A financial advisor was actually given the Sunday pulpit to "teach" the congregation.  He shared how he had come into his vast wealth through real estate investment.  He outlined his business plan of using one property as collateral for the next purchase, until he had amassed property valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars, over three quarters of a million, which was certainly nothing to sneeze at in 70's . . .  His words regarding net worth still ring in my memory these thirty-five years later.  He said, you are worth as much as you owe, because investors wouldn't lend it, if you weren't.

He carefully detailed the fact that investors and bankers do not just hand money out on a whim.  The borrower has to be considered "good for it" and the property has to be "worth it."  So, his summation was, if he could obtain loans totalling a million dollars, he was a millionaire . . . and that deal was in the works, set to close soon!   I didn't even understand what it was to follow Messiah at that time, but every time I've heard prosperity teachings, I think of this man.  Joshua 1:8 explains the plan of prosperity, and it isn't based upon debt.  This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

I never saw debt as wealth, and I'm not saying mortgages and car payments are evil.  Torah doesn't say that borrowing is a sin, but borrowing is certainly not cast in the light of wealth.  You are not worth what you owe to the bank!   Although we can make financial investments that seem sound, absolutely nothing on earth is a sure thing.  The ability to obtain debt as a sign of accomplishment is programming, pure and simple.

Credit Ratings Are Propaganda that have led many to a life in the red.