Sunday, December 29, 2013

Analog to Digital for a Reason

I was amazed at the number of people who believed themselves to be informed, yet went right along with the plan.  It was at this time, the Other 1% threw out their TVs, if they hadn't already.  I haven't had a television in my home since 1999, and long before that, it was banished from the main part of the house.  Even before I was following Messiah, I saw a real problem with the television providing constant "noise" and of course the children's inability to hear my voice in the same room, when it was on.  The television was banished to the wreck room in 1990, then a spare bedroom became the "TV room" in 1992, and our family just didn't have much time for the "boob tube," after that, as you might miss something going on in the kitchen or main part of the house.

I failed a lot as a mother, but keeping the television from having "member of the family" status was one of the few things I feel I did right.  Of course I wish I'd have done it even sooner, but I did take action when I realized the impact.

When my Granddaughters were visiting a few years back, right after receiving cell phones for their 10th birthday, one of the girls was speaking with a friend.  The friend was telling her about a show she needed to be sure and watch.  Adeline said, it would have to wait til she got back home as there is no television at her G-ma's.  The friend wanted to know if her grandma was super religious or very old . . .

Enough about my television history.  It seems our Heavenly Father was protecting me, long before I knew there was a battle.  In the old days, we wives would joke about our husbands falling asleep in the recliner front of the television, making the comment, "the television was watching them . . ."  As it turns out with the move from analog to digital, that statement may be no joke at all!

Monday, December 23, 2013

What is Our Standard?

When it comes right down to what we say our standard is, is it based on what we do or what we don't do?  I've always been big on "doing things."  I want something to do!  I don't serve G-d to earn my salvation, I'm not into works, Y'hshuwah paid the price for my sin.  I do serve G-d because that's what He created me to do and there is so much to be done!  I'm fortunate in that He spoke audibly to me and told me to "do what's not being done!"  I have a feeling, others have heard that same thing!  Now, if we all just figure out how to coordinate the effort, I think that's what our Creator will call unity.

As I've listened to people discuss various ideas of cooperatives and cooperation, we seem to all get stuck on one issue . . . Whose way will ultimately prevail.  I believe it should be The Way, since that is the Will of YHWH, but we continue to debate and discuss.  As the end of days continue to unfold, I think we're going to find the economy collapsing and perhaps with fewer amenities, we'll find fewer things about which to disagree.  Although I disagree with the "day begins at morning" folk, I have found myself strangely drawn to their discussions, for three reasons, I think.

First, I find myself pondering why anyone would want to use Scripture to spend less time focused on our Creator, so it's kind of like rubber necking at wreck.  That's been sort of a Christian tradition since it was determined, the New Testament rendered the Hebrew Scriptures [Old Testament] obsolete.  So now, people are coming back to the Hebrew Scriptures and looking for ways to spend less time with the Author.  I don't understand that line of thinking at all.

The next reason is much more self-serving, and really only occurred to me in this shorter daylight season.  If I were to "community up" with some of these "morning Sabbath keepers, I wouldn't have to play beat the clock on Preparation Day.  What I didn't get done, could still be finished up.  There's a term for that in traditional Judaism, but it seems rather inappropriate of me . . . 

The third and last reason I'm drawn is, in service to YHWH.  Genesis 1, every day of creation, speaks of evening and morning, a _____ Day.  Messiah is the Word.  Throughout history, humanity was agrarian, and until the invention of electricity and engines, all work ceased at dark, except through the harvest season, according to the book of Ruth.   Work animals were unyoked by evening.  

To create this new debate after coming to the 7th day Sabbath, is simply wrong.  For centuries after dark, humanity rested or participated in revelry.  With electricity and gasoline engines, have the doors of opportunity really opened or have we just chosen to "sanctify self" calling it new revelation and greater understanding?

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Let's talk about stuff for just a moment.  How much stuff does it really take to make someone happy?  Have we really considered that if happiness is based upon stuff, there will probably never be enough?

I know a few members of The 1%, and somewhere in every conversation, there is a question as to whether they will have enough money to last their lifetime.  I feel rather fortunate, I guess, to know I'll probably never be faced with the worry of how to manage a million dollars . . . I don't like to worry or want . . . Both seem like a very significant waste of time and energy.  I'm not minimizing that some people are in need, that's different than want.  I like being satisfied, being content in what I have.  It seems to give me more time to make improvements on me, like improved outlook and sharper efficiency.

There are some areas in my life in which I really hope to improve, reduce, or expand.  To have more stuff or money won't make those things happen.  The desires of my heart are about my heart!  I would truly like to be able to offer healing and wholeness to those who are sick and broken.  I want YHWH to use me in that way.  I want to be able to offer homesteading, gardening, and animal husbandry tips and assistance to people who are searching.

I have found in life, the more I seek my Creator, the less of anything else I want.  I can't imagine feeling that my time needed to be filled with distraction.  I can't image feeling that one more possession would make me feel satisfied.  Contentedness doesn't come from our own self-satisfaction, it comes from our Creator.  I believe the insatiable need for "money and/or stuff" is the human attempt to fill the void of life without YHWH.  We really need to realize in Him, we have life; and without Him, nothing will fill that void.  He is more than enough!

Sunday, December 8, 2013


A new "currency" is coming in to play, and like most Americans, I feel compelled to offer an opinion.  Actually, I'm going to attempt an analysis of this new virtual, potentially global currency.

In one of the promotional videos, it was explained that the banks have no control over the Bitcoin, nor does the banking industry deal in Bitcoins.  In that same video, it was explained how valuable this Bitcoin is compared to the dollar.  I'm no economist, but if the banks do not deal with Bitcoins, but do control the dollars, how is an exchange rate even determined?

The answer to that question appears to be, when finding a retailer that does accept Bitcoins, the buying power is compared . . .
If this is a global currency in the works, then do we get in on the ground floor or run like mad at the possibility that this is the currency of the Beast?  As I watched the exchange rate diminish from the "early years" to 2013, it would seem that this Bitcoin is just digital currency that has even less standard than our current paper money.

Is this the next carrot to be dangled in front of the last of the America Dreamers who had hoped in Wall Street, then ran with what was left in 09 to buy gold that has been steadily dropping for the last two years?  Gold, silver, and land have a value standard and please keep in mind, you can't eat gold or silver and neither will keep you warm or offer shelter.  Land, if worked, will produce food.

If the Bitcoin has no standard and no regulation, it could disappear just as rapidly as it "appeared" or it could be silently gaining world momentum.  Either way, if it's rate of exchange, someone or some thing will require regulation.