Sunday, November 24, 2013

True Value

More and more warnings are coming about the potential disaster, while many are still heavily invested in the collapsing monetary system.  The fact that people cannot afford food and the Stock Market is breaking record highs in clear indication that trouble looms ahead.  A global economy based upon perpetual motion and debt for collateral, is not sustainable.

To all those who claim to believe in the Almighty, I suggest you truly seek Him, while He may be found.  For all those who do not believe, I suggest you reconsider that stand.  There is a time coming in which we will be officially taken captive over our love of money and materialism, not to mention doing many of the same things ancient Israel did . . .  The best way to maintain freedom at all, is to refuse to be dependent upon the collapsing system.  That's not to say, there won't be some difficulties, but there is a more solid foundation than the American dollar.

I don't usually give material advice here, but as the government goes into juggling mode after the first of the year, once again, stop and take personal inventory of how much Washington's decisions truly affect us.  It's been a long time since times were as good for the average citizen as they have been for Wall Street financiers and Washington politicians.  The declaration has been made clear that the bad times in Washington and Wall Street will be shared, even burdened upon the average citizen . . .

This administration has replaced the Middle Class with the Working Class, and that is what the elite intends.  As long as the focus is money, the ones with the most will control those who want more.  Surely by now, we've noticed, wanting more, even working for more isn't going to change the actual value of the declining dollar.

I'm not offering an ethereal intangible here.  It's time to take a good look around us and see what is truly of value.  Even gold and silver are only of value for purchasing.  Land has value, in that with the blessing of our Creator it will produce food.  Soil is of value, even in small parcels, same promise of blessing.  Water will be of great value, to the point, the digging and location of a well is recorded and in some places already prohibited.

Here is a promise from YHWH recorded by Isaiah regarding the coming troubles of ancient Israel.  Same G-d, same standard, and since His Word stands forever, I'm believing same promise.  The alternative doesn't sound so good . . .
Come now, and let us reason together, says YHWH: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.  If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of YHWH has spoken it.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hot Potato

Remember, as a child, playing the game "Hot Potato?"  I see our economy, in virtually, the same way now.  These worthless dollars just keep getting passed around while more and more of us are being eliminated from the game.  One of these days the music will stop and the current system we are still counting on, will have no value.

I've seen many people suggest investing in gold and silver, and to be honest that is what drove the gold prices up, as the Stock Market plummeted a few years ago to get the upper Middle Class out of that game.  Those disappointed, downhearted folks then invested their severely dented portfolios into gold, driving up that price, artificially.  Keep in mind, it was the same people who just 10 years earlier had watched their mutual funds collapse.  Politics aside, tripling the national deficit through the 80's built this false foundation that is crumbling now.  We all played, and we are all now scrambling to not be holding the hot potato when the music stops.

Sadly, though, it's like we've combined two childhood games with similarity, just to add to the confusion.  It's as if we're playing hot potato and musical chairs, and every time the music stops, twice as many lose, because one is holding the potato and another has no seat.  A large group of folks saying, "it isn't fair" simply doesn't mean much at this point!  That seems pretty obvious by now.  On the other hand, there is a group of us, a small group who have simply moved on and said, "I got no time for this game!"

When the entire mess finally does collapse, there will probably be a window of time in which gold and silver will be valued, but for those with gold, I have no idea how you plan for someone to make change!  It won't take long for panicked masses to know who's holding the silver and gold, and our government has already had a call to surrender gold in the 30's, so . . .  Then once there is no buying and selling without the mark of the beast, gold and silver won't make any difference and you can't eat it!

I'm hoping and have even prayed about it, that the tax man will hopefully take gold and silver for a time, even after the collapse and the mark is established.  We all know, paying taxes is certainly not buying and selling, in that taxes purchase absolutely nothing . . . Taxes are simply money paid on what you've already earned or what you already own.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Servants - Slavery

There is a general mentality that tends to go with our economic standing.  I have known a few members of the 1 Percent, and their focus as well as their attitude is quite apparent, as well as a few upper 98%, who demonstrate their affluence as well.  I've also known many "wanna bes" and that's just sad.  I cannot imagine spending my life in want . . .

Unlike some examples of slavery in history, we do have a choice.  The problem many are overlooking is the attitude of entitlement, here in America, is actually the foundation for slavery, and was in ancient Egypt as well.  We know, even with the promise of the Promised Land, the Israelites murmured and complained about how good they had it, as slaves in Egypt.  Of course, they murmured and complained about the slavery in Egypt at the time they were there, so the theme seems to be, murmuring and complaining causes even the chosen people to miss the promise!

I compare our circumstances to ancient Egypt for many reasons.  Americans do consider themselves to be entitled.  Seems all I hear these days are "I paid into it or I pay taxes, so . . ."  I'm not disagreeing with the premise, I'm just making the observation that dependency can slip into captivity and slavery, and I'm not sure we'll recognize when that happens.  I'm so unsure of recognizing it, I wonder if it has already happened for many, if not all of us.  The simple reality is, America is in hock well beyond what any of us can even imagine, and whether or not we personally own our home, own our land, cars whatever; when the note comes due, I have no idea if the "new landlords" will honor an American deed or title.

I do know our Heavenly Father has promised to meet the needs of His children.  To be honest, as an American, I'm not completely clear on the line between "need" and "think I need;" myself.  As I seek a more G-dly life, my lifestyle continues to change.  My desires, even my taste has changed.  I am still very creative and I like things to be pretty, but practical and utilitarian are absolute priorities.  My creativity is now geared toward more practical matters and improvisational skills.  It feels good!  I like effective and efficient, I pray that when I get up in the morning, that my day would be both.  Then at the end of the day, I can thank Him for an accomplished day!

We are all going to be servants to a master.  The list of masters can be anything from an addiction to another person, to officials, to money.  Dependency and hunger were the factors in ancient Egypt, and those are obviously factors now in America.  When provision comes from a government, those who are provided for, will be enslaved to the master making the provision.

I prefer serving the Creator of the universe.  He is a merciful Master.  Now, to see that I'm not murmuring or complaining . . .

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Making a Difference

Realizing we all have our ways of trying to make a difference, I just want to take this opportunity to share something I've noticed.  As the state of our nation continues to spiral downward, apathy, blame, and complacency have set in on many.  Wow!  I think I just discovered the ABC of despair, but that's not the topic of this article.

The Occupy Wall Street movement began the 99%, which became 98% about two years ago, and although I applaud their effort and solidarity, it hasn't changed Wall Street, brought a stronger economy, or strengthened the dying Middle Class.  It was when the 99% became the 98%, the idea occurred to me that there is another 1%.  We don't really believe our lives will be richer if The 1% shared their money.  As for the top tax rate being so low, that happened in the 80's.  It took 30 years and major recession for everyone to actually see the damage that lowering the top tax rate by nearly half has caused.  Why did it take so long?  Because the illusion was cushioned with a debt pillow.

The reality is, the "sit in" over Wall Street hasn't changed Wall Street.  Griping about Big Box stores and "only going when you have to" hasn't changed that monopoly, either.  The bottom line is, sitting and talking has never really changed anything.  We can discuss great ideas all day, and gripe about perceived unfairness til the "cows come home," but until we actually DO something that makes a difference, there will be no change.  There are people who have taken a different attitude about this situation and I am blessed to be associated with them.

  Beth Rank is sharing budget stretching ideas and pantry filling plans in a new section here at the Goshen Gazette, called Fiscal Fitness.  She has a heart for people and she has shared the fact that she has known hard times.  She is still actively in the work force, but takes the time to share the knowledge she has gained and the observations she makes.

Terrie Carpenter has taken a different approach in her resolve to work with what she has to enjoy life and she shares her endeavor in the "Bloom Where You're Planted" section of the Goshen Gazette.  Terrie is raising "edible house plants."  One of her talents is tending plants, so she is now tending plants that produce vegetables.  She has been sharing photos of her gardening journey.

Cole Davis and Zach Bauer have been sharing hunting endeavors.  These two gentlemen also provide for families in the mainstream workforce, as well as minister to and teach Torah Observant followers of Messiah.
I am so blessed to be associated with these people, not only for the G-dly fellowship and teachings they offer via internet, but in the fact that they share their practical application of what it is to be content with what G-d has given.   Not only do these individuals use their resources wisely, but they take the time to share their knowledge with others.