Sunday, December 29, 2013

Analog to Digital for a Reason

I was amazed at the number of people who believed themselves to be informed, yet went right along with the plan.  It was at this time, the Other 1% threw out their TVs, if they hadn't already.  I haven't had a television in my home since 1999, and long before that, it was banished from the main part of the house.  Even before I was following Messiah, I saw a real problem with the television providing constant "noise" and of course the children's inability to hear my voice in the same room, when it was on.  The television was banished to the wreck room in 1990, then a spare bedroom became the "TV room" in 1992, and our family just didn't have much time for the "boob tube," after that, as you might miss something going on in the kitchen or main part of the house.

I failed a lot as a mother, but keeping the television from having "member of the family" status was one of the few things I feel I did right.  Of course I wish I'd have done it even sooner, but I did take action when I realized the impact.

When my Granddaughters were visiting a few years back, right after receiving cell phones for their 10th birthday, one of the girls was speaking with a friend.  The friend was telling her about a show she needed to be sure and watch.  Adeline said, it would have to wait til she got back home as there is no television at her G-ma's.  The friend wanted to know if her grandma was super religious or very old . . .

Enough about my television history.  It seems our Heavenly Father was protecting me, long before I knew there was a battle.  In the old days, we wives would joke about our husbands falling asleep in the recliner front of the television, making the comment, "the television was watching them . . ."  As it turns out with the move from analog to digital, that statement may be no joke at all!

Monday, December 23, 2013

What is Our Standard?

When it comes right down to what we say our standard is, is it based on what we do or what we don't do?  I've always been big on "doing things."  I want something to do!  I don't serve G-d to earn my salvation, I'm not into works, Y'hshuwah paid the price for my sin.  I do serve G-d because that's what He created me to do and there is so much to be done!  I'm fortunate in that He spoke audibly to me and told me to "do what's not being done!"  I have a feeling, others have heard that same thing!  Now, if we all just figure out how to coordinate the effort, I think that's what our Creator will call unity.

As I've listened to people discuss various ideas of cooperatives and cooperation, we seem to all get stuck on one issue . . . Whose way will ultimately prevail.  I believe it should be The Way, since that is the Will of YHWH, but we continue to debate and discuss.  As the end of days continue to unfold, I think we're going to find the economy collapsing and perhaps with fewer amenities, we'll find fewer things about which to disagree.  Although I disagree with the "day begins at morning" folk, I have found myself strangely drawn to their discussions, for three reasons, I think.

First, I find myself pondering why anyone would want to use Scripture to spend less time focused on our Creator, so it's kind of like rubber necking at wreck.  That's been sort of a Christian tradition since it was determined, the New Testament rendered the Hebrew Scriptures [Old Testament] obsolete.  So now, people are coming back to the Hebrew Scriptures and looking for ways to spend less time with the Author.  I don't understand that line of thinking at all.

The next reason is much more self-serving, and really only occurred to me in this shorter daylight season.  If I were to "community up" with some of these "morning Sabbath keepers, I wouldn't have to play beat the clock on Preparation Day.  What I didn't get done, could still be finished up.  There's a term for that in traditional Judaism, but it seems rather inappropriate of me . . . 

The third and last reason I'm drawn is, in service to YHWH.  Genesis 1, every day of creation, speaks of evening and morning, a _____ Day.  Messiah is the Word.  Throughout history, humanity was agrarian, and until the invention of electricity and engines, all work ceased at dark, except through the harvest season, according to the book of Ruth.   Work animals were unyoked by evening.  

To create this new debate after coming to the 7th day Sabbath, is simply wrong.  For centuries after dark, humanity rested or participated in revelry.  With electricity and gasoline engines, have the doors of opportunity really opened or have we just chosen to "sanctify self" calling it new revelation and greater understanding?

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Let's talk about stuff for just a moment.  How much stuff does it really take to make someone happy?  Have we really considered that if happiness is based upon stuff, there will probably never be enough?

I know a few members of The 1%, and somewhere in every conversation, there is a question as to whether they will have enough money to last their lifetime.  I feel rather fortunate, I guess, to know I'll probably never be faced with the worry of how to manage a million dollars . . . I don't like to worry or want . . . Both seem like a very significant waste of time and energy.  I'm not minimizing that some people are in need, that's different than want.  I like being satisfied, being content in what I have.  It seems to give me more time to make improvements on me, like improved outlook and sharper efficiency.

There are some areas in my life in which I really hope to improve, reduce, or expand.  To have more stuff or money won't make those things happen.  The desires of my heart are about my heart!  I would truly like to be able to offer healing and wholeness to those who are sick and broken.  I want YHWH to use me in that way.  I want to be able to offer homesteading, gardening, and animal husbandry tips and assistance to people who are searching.

I have found in life, the more I seek my Creator, the less of anything else I want.  I can't imagine feeling that my time needed to be filled with distraction.  I can't image feeling that one more possession would make me feel satisfied.  Contentedness doesn't come from our own self-satisfaction, it comes from our Creator.  I believe the insatiable need for "money and/or stuff" is the human attempt to fill the void of life without YHWH.  We really need to realize in Him, we have life; and without Him, nothing will fill that void.  He is more than enough!

Sunday, December 8, 2013


A new "currency" is coming in to play, and like most Americans, I feel compelled to offer an opinion.  Actually, I'm going to attempt an analysis of this new virtual, potentially global currency.

In one of the promotional videos, it was explained that the banks have no control over the Bitcoin, nor does the banking industry deal in Bitcoins.  In that same video, it was explained how valuable this Bitcoin is compared to the dollar.  I'm no economist, but if the banks do not deal with Bitcoins, but do control the dollars, how is an exchange rate even determined?

The answer to that question appears to be, when finding a retailer that does accept Bitcoins, the buying power is compared . . .
If this is a global currency in the works, then do we get in on the ground floor or run like mad at the possibility that this is the currency of the Beast?  As I watched the exchange rate diminish from the "early years" to 2013, it would seem that this Bitcoin is just digital currency that has even less standard than our current paper money.

Is this the next carrot to be dangled in front of the last of the America Dreamers who had hoped in Wall Street, then ran with what was left in 09 to buy gold that has been steadily dropping for the last two years?  Gold, silver, and land have a value standard and please keep in mind, you can't eat gold or silver and neither will keep you warm or offer shelter.  Land, if worked, will produce food.

If the Bitcoin has no standard and no regulation, it could disappear just as rapidly as it "appeared" or it could be silently gaining world momentum.  Either way, if it's rate of exchange, someone or some thing will require regulation.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

True Value

More and more warnings are coming about the potential disaster, while many are still heavily invested in the collapsing monetary system.  The fact that people cannot afford food and the Stock Market is breaking record highs in clear indication that trouble looms ahead.  A global economy based upon perpetual motion and debt for collateral, is not sustainable.

To all those who claim to believe in the Almighty, I suggest you truly seek Him, while He may be found.  For all those who do not believe, I suggest you reconsider that stand.  There is a time coming in which we will be officially taken captive over our love of money and materialism, not to mention doing many of the same things ancient Israel did . . .  The best way to maintain freedom at all, is to refuse to be dependent upon the collapsing system.  That's not to say, there won't be some difficulties, but there is a more solid foundation than the American dollar.

I don't usually give material advice here, but as the government goes into juggling mode after the first of the year, once again, stop and take personal inventory of how much Washington's decisions truly affect us.  It's been a long time since times were as good for the average citizen as they have been for Wall Street financiers and Washington politicians.  The declaration has been made clear that the bad times in Washington and Wall Street will be shared, even burdened upon the average citizen . . .

This administration has replaced the Middle Class with the Working Class, and that is what the elite intends.  As long as the focus is money, the ones with the most will control those who want more.  Surely by now, we've noticed, wanting more, even working for more isn't going to change the actual value of the declining dollar.

I'm not offering an ethereal intangible here.  It's time to take a good look around us and see what is truly of value.  Even gold and silver are only of value for purchasing.  Land has value, in that with the blessing of our Creator it will produce food.  Soil is of value, even in small parcels, same promise of blessing.  Water will be of great value, to the point, the digging and location of a well is recorded and in some places already prohibited.

Here is a promise from YHWH recorded by Isaiah regarding the coming troubles of ancient Israel.  Same G-d, same standard, and since His Word stands forever, I'm believing same promise.  The alternative doesn't sound so good . . .
Come now, and let us reason together, says YHWH: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.  If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of YHWH has spoken it.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hot Potato

Remember, as a child, playing the game "Hot Potato?"  I see our economy, in virtually, the same way now.  These worthless dollars just keep getting passed around while more and more of us are being eliminated from the game.  One of these days the music will stop and the current system we are still counting on, will have no value.

I've seen many people suggest investing in gold and silver, and to be honest that is what drove the gold prices up, as the Stock Market plummeted a few years ago to get the upper Middle Class out of that game.  Those disappointed, downhearted folks then invested their severely dented portfolios into gold, driving up that price, artificially.  Keep in mind, it was the same people who just 10 years earlier had watched their mutual funds collapse.  Politics aside, tripling the national deficit through the 80's built this false foundation that is crumbling now.  We all played, and we are all now scrambling to not be holding the hot potato when the music stops.

Sadly, though, it's like we've combined two childhood games with similarity, just to add to the confusion.  It's as if we're playing hot potato and musical chairs, and every time the music stops, twice as many lose, because one is holding the potato and another has no seat.  A large group of folks saying, "it isn't fair" simply doesn't mean much at this point!  That seems pretty obvious by now.  On the other hand, there is a group of us, a small group who have simply moved on and said, "I got no time for this game!"

When the entire mess finally does collapse, there will probably be a window of time in which gold and silver will be valued, but for those with gold, I have no idea how you plan for someone to make change!  It won't take long for panicked masses to know who's holding the silver and gold, and our government has already had a call to surrender gold in the 30's, so . . .  Then once there is no buying and selling without the mark of the beast, gold and silver won't make any difference and you can't eat it!

I'm hoping and have even prayed about it, that the tax man will hopefully take gold and silver for a time, even after the collapse and the mark is established.  We all know, paying taxes is certainly not buying and selling, in that taxes purchase absolutely nothing . . . Taxes are simply money paid on what you've already earned or what you already own.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Servants - Slavery

There is a general mentality that tends to go with our economic standing.  I have known a few members of the 1 Percent, and their focus as well as their attitude is quite apparent, as well as a few upper 98%, who demonstrate their affluence as well.  I've also known many "wanna bes" and that's just sad.  I cannot imagine spending my life in want . . .

Unlike some examples of slavery in history, we do have a choice.  The problem many are overlooking is the attitude of entitlement, here in America, is actually the foundation for slavery, and was in ancient Egypt as well.  We know, even with the promise of the Promised Land, the Israelites murmured and complained about how good they had it, as slaves in Egypt.  Of course, they murmured and complained about the slavery in Egypt at the time they were there, so the theme seems to be, murmuring and complaining causes even the chosen people to miss the promise!

I compare our circumstances to ancient Egypt for many reasons.  Americans do consider themselves to be entitled.  Seems all I hear these days are "I paid into it or I pay taxes, so . . ."  I'm not disagreeing with the premise, I'm just making the observation that dependency can slip into captivity and slavery, and I'm not sure we'll recognize when that happens.  I'm so unsure of recognizing it, I wonder if it has already happened for many, if not all of us.  The simple reality is, America is in hock well beyond what any of us can even imagine, and whether or not we personally own our home, own our land, cars whatever; when the note comes due, I have no idea if the "new landlords" will honor an American deed or title.

I do know our Heavenly Father has promised to meet the needs of His children.  To be honest, as an American, I'm not completely clear on the line between "need" and "think I need;" myself.  As I seek a more G-dly life, my lifestyle continues to change.  My desires, even my taste has changed.  I am still very creative and I like things to be pretty, but practical and utilitarian are absolute priorities.  My creativity is now geared toward more practical matters and improvisational skills.  It feels good!  I like effective and efficient, I pray that when I get up in the morning, that my day would be both.  Then at the end of the day, I can thank Him for an accomplished day!

We are all going to be servants to a master.  The list of masters can be anything from an addiction to another person, to officials, to money.  Dependency and hunger were the factors in ancient Egypt, and those are obviously factors now in America.  When provision comes from a government, those who are provided for, will be enslaved to the master making the provision.

I prefer serving the Creator of the universe.  He is a merciful Master.  Now, to see that I'm not murmuring or complaining . . .

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Making a Difference

Realizing we all have our ways of trying to make a difference, I just want to take this opportunity to share something I've noticed.  As the state of our nation continues to spiral downward, apathy, blame, and complacency have set in on many.  Wow!  I think I just discovered the ABC of despair, but that's not the topic of this article.

The Occupy Wall Street movement began the 99%, which became 98% about two years ago, and although I applaud their effort and solidarity, it hasn't changed Wall Street, brought a stronger economy, or strengthened the dying Middle Class.  It was when the 99% became the 98%, the idea occurred to me that there is another 1%.  We don't really believe our lives will be richer if The 1% shared their money.  As for the top tax rate being so low, that happened in the 80's.  It took 30 years and major recession for everyone to actually see the damage that lowering the top tax rate by nearly half has caused.  Why did it take so long?  Because the illusion was cushioned with a debt pillow.

The reality is, the "sit in" over Wall Street hasn't changed Wall Street.  Griping about Big Box stores and "only going when you have to" hasn't changed that monopoly, either.  The bottom line is, sitting and talking has never really changed anything.  We can discuss great ideas all day, and gripe about perceived unfairness til the "cows come home," but until we actually DO something that makes a difference, there will be no change.  There are people who have taken a different attitude about this situation and I am blessed to be associated with them.

  Beth Rank is sharing budget stretching ideas and pantry filling plans in a new section here at the Goshen Gazette, called Fiscal Fitness.  She has a heart for people and she has shared the fact that she has known hard times.  She is still actively in the work force, but takes the time to share the knowledge she has gained and the observations she makes.

Terrie Carpenter has taken a different approach in her resolve to work with what she has to enjoy life and she shares her endeavor in the "Bloom Where You're Planted" section of the Goshen Gazette.  Terrie is raising "edible house plants."  One of her talents is tending plants, so she is now tending plants that produce vegetables.  She has been sharing photos of her gardening journey.

Cole Davis and Zach Bauer have been sharing hunting endeavors.  These two gentlemen also provide for families in the mainstream workforce, as well as minister to and teach Torah Observant followers of Messiah.
I am so blessed to be associated with these people, not only for the G-dly fellowship and teachings they offer via internet, but in the fact that they share their practical application of what it is to be content with what G-d has given.   Not only do these individuals use their resources wisely, but they take the time to share their knowledge with others.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Need vs. Greed

As a society, we've been living large for so long, we truly have no clue as to the absolutely difference between need and greed.  I see that everywhere in our society, myself included.  Convenience stores are becoming larger than grocery stores and the truth of the matter is, the majority of Americans do not put their money where their mouth is, they put their money where the convenience is.

I'm sick to death of hearing the demand for job creation when I see most of the citizenry standing around waiting for it to happen!  Life will pass by those who are waiting for someone else to make it happen!  Start a business . . . Hire an unemployed friend . . . Time to use our talents to carve out our own niche.

As for pro-life folks.  Why buy products from a country that mandates abortion for the second baby girl in a family?  While that nation is having the unwanted girls make cheap products to export, the nation is building quite a powerful army.

We may say we believe in something, but the truth is, our lifestyle says otherwise.  We like lots and lots of stuff at our convenience.  Some of our supposed "need" is actually just laziness.  We have become such a society of relaxers that need to be entertained, most wouldn't know what to do if faced with an actual day's labor that needed to produce tangible results and accomplish a finished product.

We've become a nation that chooses to not see the bigger picture or the next step, but expects someone else to have the next comfortable convenience available when we get there and want more!  We talk big about what we can do without, but most folks that are talking that way, have had it and didn't decide to do without, they lost it.  Our nation has been operating on borrowed money and a pawn mentality for so long, we have the audacity to justify it and expect more perks or more understanding.

We cannot sort out each other's priorities.  If we actually focused on what we could do to make things better, and tossed a few things that are truly unnecessary, we might discover we could actually offer more in the way of contribution, rather than criticism.

These articles this week, have really spurred my soul searching.  Just because I'm not at the local mall or Super Center doesn't mean all my priorities are in order.  I may not stop at the convenience store for coffee and cigarettes, but is there something I could be doing or someone I could actually be helping with that money I'm not spending?  I've had a few of those moments of clarity and revelation of opportunity!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The One Percent

I'm usually in disagreement with the 98% because the truth of the matter is, money seems to matter too much to them, and it comes across just, envious.  I'm tired of the rich vs. poor debates that call upon the extremes to make their point.  If someone has extra stop griping about sharing.  If someone is truly in need, don't flaunt poor spending habits.  Easy enough!

Now, I want to talk a moment about some research I've done from a spiritual perspective of this 100% money based argument.  First, the 98% was fairly satisfied when it was divided.  When the majority of the 98% viewed themselves to be Middle Class, the impoverished 20% was not as big an issue.  Now I know, the real power in this is the newly formed majority, but really, the extravagantly rich folk have always been in an unreachable class of their own.  Actually, I now know some 1% that weren't there 35 years ago, so not everyone has been "pushed down."

For those of us who have chosen to pursue hobbies and preferred the enjoyment of the moment, rather than savings and investment, we can't begrudge the others now . . . Besides, when it comes to the One Percent, it seems for so many of them, that's truly all they have, and they can't figure out a way to take it with them.

I've listened to more than one discussion on the "Living Trusts" and I just feel so sorry for the people who feel they have to pay someone to maintain those.  That in itself is a sizable expense, but I've noticed three common traits in these people who have invested in "Living Trusts."  They have all been executors of someone's Will before.  So, either they felt that was a horrendous burden to bear for someone who obviously trust them, or they didn't handle that responsibility with such integrity and they don't want that to happen to them.  The second thing I've noticed and this is truly sad.  These folks with Living Trusts didn't raise children they can trust.  Speaks volumes . . . Last, but certainly not least, I read that the Living Trust is the only way to control disbursement after death.

Until The One Percent figures out a way to take it with them, at least they can make sure they will have the final say long after the funeral.  I'm not so sure that's how I'd want to be remembered . . .

For there is a man whose labour is in wisdom, and in knowledge, and in equity; yet to a man that hath not laboured therein shall he leave it for his portion. This also is vanity and a great evil.                                                     from Ecclesiastes

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Wall Street is Still Going

I have truly determined, the one way to deal with the excessive wealth of the One Percent, is to quit looking for a common ground or fair shake from them.  I am saddened by the envious hope of the 98%.  Sharing the wealth simply isn't going to happen.  It isn't just on Wall Street or Washington, although they will definitely continue to help each other feather their nests, the problem is really much closer to home.  It doesn't matter how much or how little one acquires and amasses, they want to invest in their own best interests and in those who share them.

We've all realized just how much, money really does control others and the world around us, so like it or not, rich or poor, the ones with the most money make the rules.

The hatred for probate laws has caused a public transition from Wills to Trusts.  I remember in the funeral industry, trying to keep up with probate laws and enjoyed some interesting continuing education, but that's been 20 years ago, now, and folks still haven't figured out how to take it with them, so controlling the purse strings from the nursing home and beyond the grave is the best they can do.  As the older middle generation in a six generation family, I've learned quite a bit by listening.

I've listened to the expenses of the oldest generation as she lives out her final years in a nursing home, private room, no less.  It's funny how everyone refers to "her money to spend how she wants to."  Well, it is her money now, but for the most part it was other people who left her theirs, not to mention the younger generations are paying pretty hefty tax withholding for her health care and some of the other residents' accommodations.  Then there's the attorney who keeps track of this.  See how the big money just keeps changing hands at the top?

My other grandma, now deceased, made different decisions.  When my Grandpa died, she made her kids co-owners of her assets.  She raised kids who she obviously trusted, and when her numbered days ended, the "stuff" was efficiently and fairly dealt with, without great expense or payment to attorneys of the One Percent.

I am aware of three situations in which big money goes out annually to the Administrator of Trusts, because apparently these people didn't raise children they can trust.   I was shocked when I discovered the annual fee people pay to have these trusts maintained.  Of course, these people are not poor, but it's clearly another example of the big money staying in the upper tier of our economic strata.

For everyone in the 98%, I invite you to the Other 1 Percent, because The One Percent is going to just keep passing their money around to each other!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Time Value of an Entrepreneur

I truly believe a great percentage of the 98% have amazing talents that have been relegated to the back burner in an effort to make money.  We've been programmed that a task of value must be weighed in currency.

So I sat down to figure just what each hour nets in our every day life.  There are 168 hours in a week..How does that divide out for the average wage earner?  I have discovered so many things, in doing what I was created to do.  First, work doesn't feel like work at all, so I enjoy what I do and I am certainly not watching the clock waiting to time out, although I do keep an eye on the sun, as it relates to chore time.  I've gotten so engrossed in writing or had in figuring one more step or ingredient into the formula of a product that the sun was sinking pretty low, when I came to my senses . . .

Say a person makes $100.00 an hour, because I do know an individual who claims such an income, but it is by appointment and if there is no appointment, they are simply standing there by the phone making ZERO.  There are those who make $30-40 dollars an hour and many who make sizeable commissions, but regardless, there is still time in a week that they are not on the clock or time spent, leading up to that commission.  Now, I realize there are doctors and lawyers who do bill exorbitant amounts for their time, and to be real, I'm not including them in this article.  Their vast income appears, to me, to be established by their higher education to take advantage of frightened, desperate people.  Let's get back to the say $30.00 an hour pay check, which I think is probably still well above the average.

Thirty dollars an hour for 40 hours is $1200.00 a week.  In figuring, and this is only an approximate figure, the individual's take home after taxes would be just under $800.00.  Our tax system consumes at least 1/3 of most earnings in withholding.  Now to divide $800.00 by the hours in a week, it takes it down a bit more.  Say you take an hour getting ready for work each morning and driving 30 minutes to and from work, plus you are actually at the work site for 9 1/2 hours to cover a lunch hour and breaks.  That ups the time invested in the job to 57.5 hours a week which drops the take home pay to less than $14.00 an hour.

Then there is also the cost of driving to work that is not tax deductible and the time spent trying to wind down.  Without counting sleeping hours, there are still a number of hours in the evening that are simply "spent" without thought of income or value.  To translate all that to a person who is self employed or an entrepreneur.  It is up to the individual, as to how many hours count toward their business . . . usually every waking hour.  Taxes are a different matter also, in that income tax is actually paid monthly or quarterly based upon revenue. The taxes are based upon what is actually owed, not withheld to be used for a year and refunded the following year.

When a person works for themselves, they are actually investing time into their income.  When a person is on someone's time clock, forty hours of their 57.5 hours is merely compensated.  Frequently a self-employed person spends their "free time" in research and development, rather than entertainment.  Entrepreneurs have the distinct advantage of never feeling the need to "wind down!"

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Is It Time to Cut Our Losses?

In watching our so-called representatives, I think it's abundantly clear, they are not representing the majority of Americans.  What I don't understand, is how this obvious fact continues to divide the presumably united 98%.  If Americans are in agreement that the Big Corporate lobby controls Congress, then why does most of America remain politically divided?  Doesn't this just give the Big Corporate lobby more say in Congress, while Congress feathers their own nest further?

Since money talks in America why don't the non-1 Percenters speak with money, as well?  The absence thereof!  Why continue to wait for Congress to change things for the majority of Americans?  Over half of Congress is part of The 1 Percent, and they are lavished in benefits from representatives of fellow 1 Percenters!   What would motivate them to change a system that works so well for them?  Don't even suggest the electorate speaks for the people.  That is impossible to say with 98% supposedly unified on the issue of the economy.

The polls just keep reporting that the economy is the number 1 concern of Americans.  Obviously, there is a disconnect somewhere and I think "we the people" can change that if we choose.  If we continue to give money to Big Corporations to save a few pennies, the Big Corporations will keep taking our business and throw us just enough crumbs to maintain the status quo.

I notice a major difference between The 1 Percent and the 98%.  The 1 Percent doesn't throw good money after bad.  The 1 Percent invests in what they believe in and what brings them increase.  The 98% complains, while standing in the Big Box lines and while waiting on the Big Pharma generic, but complaining is all that happens.  Complaints do not cause change.

The only thing that is going to change this economic division of political theatre is for the true majority to put away our red / blue division and realize it is Capitol Hill that has established and will continue to maintain the Plutocracy that exists, and those who choose dependency upon the Big Corporations are actually funding the the aristocratic establishment.  Time to cut off their allowance!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Why Is Everyone Surprised?

The Middle Class has been on life support for years, and back when President Obama was Candidate Obama, the term was heard frequently "working class."  Throughout both of the last elections, not only have the candidates used the term, but so has the media covering them.

The Middle Class, ideally, would be comprised of those who did not have to depend upon the capital or labor of others.  The working class exchanges labor for earnings.  The American unions created a negotiation balance between workers and employers, but as employers became large corporations, and the unions sought more benefits outside of the work place, negotiations began to fail.  When unions were at their strongest, there was a symbiotic balance between employers and employees, and both realized they needed the other to maintain the lifestyle to which they had become accustomed.

I could blame Washington, beginning with Reagan for destroying the air traffic controllers union, which was the official beginning of the demise of the union.  But then, I can blame Clinton for NAFTA and wonder why the union still backed him in the 1996 election . . .  We can choose sides and blame Bush or Obama, which we have, but so far that isn't changing the lifestyle of the underemployed lacking benefits.

I could blame unions for convincing their members they should tell the owners how to run their business and ask for more time off and bigger health and death benefits.  The reality is, that just proved to the business owners how many jobs were not needed if the employees had time to tell him how to run his business.  If the employees would just put in a days work instead of all the wasted arbitration time and demands of the shop stewards, the same work could be done with much less manpower, which led to the contract labor through job service companies.  Then we can blame the business men who threw up their hands to the unions and to the government regulations and sold to the corporations.

Now, I hear the best ones to blame are Congress.  The truth of the matter is, we could all look in the mirror and ask that person looking back if there is anything they can do to change things.  Granted, the average "working class" America doesn't have the lobby capital to change minds in Washington, but we can offer a lack of capital to those who are benefiting from the decisions being stalled in Washington.  Here's a few questions to ask that person in the mirror.

Am I for more industry in America?  Then do I buy foreign made products because I can save a few pennies?  Am I anti-abortion and against Planned Parenthood?  Do I buy made in China, where abortions are government mandated?   Am I pro-union?  Do I shop at the Big Box Store . . . only when I have to . . .  Am I for job creation?  Do I buy locally?  Do I know of someone who is self-employed?  Do I buy their products or use their service?  These are just a few of the questions that might enter this mirror dialogue.

The One Percent may have most of the money, but a lot of that is because the 98% keeps giving it to them! With over half of our representatives in Washington being in the One Percent, they have no motivation to change things.  I'm thinking if the 98% refused to put their money in what they didn't believe in, things would change!  Washington could be in for the big surprise!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Go With Your Gifts

I am so excited about this ministry opportunity, and leave it to YHWH, it's a business opportunity as well.  I joined the chamber of commerce as an avenue to participate in some community youth programs, and lo and behold along with that invitation, came an awareness and appreciation for my natural product line.

I've spoken with several people who still believe money should be the motivation factor for working.  Scripture doesn't indicate that and from what I see in the headlines, it's not working out for a larger and larger portion of our society, formerly known as the work force.  I've actually discovered the real difference between being successful and struggling.  Our society may draw a dollar and cents line, because that's the current standard, but the reality is, contentedness is not based upon finances, but rather perspective.

What is referred to as the One Percent or the wealthiest Americans are doing what they love to do.  Bill Gates is a prime example of my point.  When he was being told to not drop out of school, do you really think money was his motivating factor?  Of course not!  If money had been, he'd have stayed in college.

Let's take Rush Limbaugh for another example, another man with whom I disagree, but both of these men are perfect examples of what I'm talking about.  Rush came from a well to do family of lawyers.  Now, that wasn't his choice of making a living.  Obviously, that niche would have been already carved and established for him, but he liked the sound of his own voice and enjoyed expressing his own ideas, and voila, he turned that into a multi-million dollar empire of one man with one voice!  But the money wasn't the primary goal when he blazed that unfamiliar trail.  As a matter of fact, radio in the 70's was nothing more than a job as a DJ.  Certainly nothing to make your family of attorneys proud!

The reason the 98% are not happy is two fold.  One, they got in dead end jobs to make money . . . and now they realize their goal isn't worth so much to anybody else, or even to them.  The One Percent and the Other 1 Percent uses money as a means to an end, not the goal.  I don't have a multi-million dollar empire, but the business that began as a hobby with the call G-d placed on my life has truly enabled me to have a greater purpose than simply trying to make money.  I already know, I have no desire to be in The One Percent, and I don't fit in well with the 98%, either!

The fact of the matter is this.  The men who are in The 1% who did not inherit their fortune, set out, not to make a fortune but to accomplish something, and they used their passions and talents to that end.  I don't share the goals of the two men I mentioned, but as their lives have unfolded successfully, we can see that power is more important to Mr. Gates than money, and an audience was more important to Mr. Limbaugh.  The money was a side benefit.  They may feel differently now, but money was not their motivating force when they launched their incredible journeys to the upper strata of wealth now known as The One Percent.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

How Much Money Do You Make?

First, it's a personal question that I don't ask anyone, but many people feel comfortable to ask me that question, or worse; ask someone they think I trust.  That's taught me two things . . . Many people don't realize boundaries, and two, don't tell anyone anything you don't want repeated.  I've gotten a bit ornery about that through these past couple of years, knowing it will be repeated, twisted, and out of context.  I derive a secret pleasure from not discussing personal information while telling them, "Sounds like you've already got your mind made up."  I'm working on that . . .

I do a number of things not based upon financial terms, but simply an opportunity to minister.  Sometimes, these opportunities are not money making at all, but rather I'm actually called to "spend my tithe" to do them.  YHWH has led me to many things that don't appear to have a dollar value at all.  I have learned through nearly twenty years of ministry, He is not limited to American currency.  So why should I limit my endeavors to a currency He doesn't use?  I can't place a dollar value on what YHWH has done for me.  I can't place a dollar value on the price Messiah paid for me.  It would, therefore follow; that what He calls me to do is not going to be based upon a dollar value, either.

I know that I know, I could not live the way I have and the way I do on the income I have were it not for the blessing of YHWH.  When I hear the cost of things and the regular expenses many incur, I understand why there is such disparity and animosity amongst people who want more.  By not basing my existence on dollars and cents, it seems I have more than I need.  I can share all sorts of things I truly wouldn't be able to afford to buy and pass around . . .

So, when asked, "How much money do I make?"  I smile and think to myself, I couldn't live like this pinning down, the things I do, to a dollar amount!

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Not so long ago, in a not so distant land, school children were taught, there is no A for Effort.  Seems like a pretty simple concept.  First, the word, "effort" doesn't begin with A, and the grading system didn't even include an E.  There was a bell curve, then the percentile.  When the bell curve was replaced with the percentile grade, that made sense, in that every A in the class did not require a failed couterpart, or for every F, there was no guarantee an A was earned.

We didn't stop there, though.  We didn't stop there in grades, we didn't stop there in sports, therefore; the work environment was transformed as well.  Back when there was no A for effort, work had to accomplish something, achieve results.  A farmer couldn't just go "spend time" in the field and have food in the winter.  As the industrial revolution broke down accomplishment and the motivation of the workers, we see what happened.  While Americans were fighting for benefits and more pay for not working, the people of other nations were fighting to survive, and they were willing to work.

I am appalled at what has happened in sports.  Truly outstanding athletes are drug tested constantly and severely overpaid.  The transition I noticed, though took the motivation away from those who would aspire to athletics.  It seems so many programs now, offer no winners or losers, just participation trophies and awards. That's nice on a superficial level, but everyone still knows which kid can't run and which kid strikes out, and which child misses the ball . . . every time.  What it really has served to do, is stifled the motivation for those who would excel or even strive to win.

What's wrong with the reality that everyone doesn't excel in the same area?  Some people don't excel at any one particular thing but can achieve and accomplish a myriad of tasks.

Life has taught most of us there is no A for effort, but the other 1% has figured out there are valued results in achievement and accomplishment.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

When it's All Said and Done

Remember when there was a Middle Class that discussed "plans?"  It is getting to be a distant memory, isn't it?  There was a time when a mortgage required a 20% down payment and people actually intended to enjoy life after the mortgage was Paid in Full.  "Burn the mortgage" was actually a recognized term for the end of payments and celebration for many.  All of that began to change, though in the late 70's and early 80's.  Even though there was great fan-fare raised against the establishment for a time, ultimately most of the babies born in the materialism of the 50's joined the establishment and greatly upped the ante.

Then just when it seemed perpetually ridiculous, we inadvertently raised our kids to live for the moment and not even be concerned with no light at the end of the tunnel.  I know of many in my generation, and I'm fairly late in it, that don't even plan to have a mortgage paid off.  There are many boomers who do not plan to be debt free in their life, or if they do, it will be by economic default.  I've read and heard those comments, but somehow many of us have allowed ourselves to be defined by props that we aren't taking with us.

Before entering the ministry, I was a funeral director.  There are 3 things I can confirm.  There is no "special place for money or extras" in a casket and cemetery plots are the same size.  Even under the huge monuments, the grave is the same size as the unmarked grave.  And last, many in the "living large" lifestyle haven't made their "final arrangements" and don't have enough money to cover the cost.

For when he dieth he shall carry nothing away . . . in a Psalm of Holy Scripture

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Keeping Inflation Low

I usually use this site to offer alternatives to mainstream economics, but today I'm addressing the direction of the American economy.  I must sound the warning!  I'm noticing a very disturbing trend that has been gaining momentum for some time now.  That is the absence of cash in business transactions.  I remember seeing someone pay with a debit card back in the mid 90's and it was obviously an oddity, that I remember it.  Now, to see someone pay with cash is a rarity.

Let me say clearly that I do not believe the American paper currency is any more valuable or spiritually founded than plastic debit cards, but the difference lies in the power behind them.  First, the federal reserve is in charge of it all, so that's not what I'm addressing.  The power that I'd like to address is that of the person who is the "buying power."

The whole point of currency is to provide a common means of transacting commerce.  The accumulation of currency is not the issue.  I'm not suggesting that we spend everything we earn, but rather to be aware of the fact that currency is only a tool and once it's earned it's ours for the using, and once it's spent, it's gone, so the wise choice would be to spend it on something of value.  The buying power that is now concerning me with debit cards and payroll bank cards is the fact that employees must now pay a fee to have access to their earnings.  This should not be so.

I'm going to round off and round up and round out, just for the sake of mathematical ease to make my point. Say, I've earned, after taxes, $500.00.  In cash, that's the sum.  On a debit card, however; it may cost me at least $5.00 to access that money, taking my spendable cash to below $495.00.  This takes place for the most part in low income, less than 40 hour employment, so already the employee is an a financial disadvantage.  They are not likely to be the individuals with free checking.  On the flip side to this new arrangement, if I don't draw my available cash out all at once, I can be charged for every transaction, which could literally be a significant percentage of my earnings.

Now, if I draw it all at once, there's the fact that I'm walking around with a significant amount of cash on me, and the "bank card" has served no purpose except to make the bank some money.  Over a year's time, bank fees can be a major expense for low income employees.  Our earthly economy is still failing and people are literally paying for money that is already their's.

I don't usually get so side tracked on a topic, but this is a serious phenomenon that will literally erode the standard of living without inflation or raising prices, although prices are going up.  Bank fees are not figured into inflation or rising cost of living.

A bank transaction fee is a black hole in an already dismal economy.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Avoiding Unintended Consequences

When I first read about the latest plans in Washington, I truly thought what has been done for years has finally been labelled and made into a bureaucracy, agency, or committee.  The powers that be have been influencing the sheople for years, and calling the non-conformist everything from rabble rousers to dissidents to combatants, or just plain crazy!

The "nudge squad" as it is called will politicize peer pressure, basically.  More social and political pressure to conform to the plans of the powers that be.  I looked up nudge on WordWeb.  Two synonyms were "poke at" and "prod."   So, if Washington gives itself permission to "poke at" the people, that makes it socially acceptable and politically correct?  Washington has been "shaping behavior" for years now, through legislation.   Other than building more prisons, hospitals, and offering student loans for higher education, because public school is not enough to get anywhere in life, what has the unlabeled behavioral shaping done for us?  Making laws and wars, offering health care, and mandatory education doesn't seem to have made us a more civil society, a healthier people, or a smarter culture!  Maybe if we call it nudging, it will hold more power or pressure?

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Doing What Works!

There are many terms for improvising, and sadly many have a negative or derogatory ring to them.  I've always take a bit of flack for my unconventional ingenuity and enjoyment of improvising.  I remember as a kid, my Great grandpa had some sort of weights on his small gates to ensure they would close . . .

In my chicken garden I have to double latch the gates, because my grandkids have pygmy goats that can open gates from a very close to the ground position.  One latch has continued to fall apart on me all summer, so one morning I had to improvise.  I have been a big fan of bungee cords for years now.  I've used them to hold things in place, even keep doors tight, but I never thought of them as being an automatic door closer.  Now, I can open my gate and have it spring right back into place flush up against the chicken house!

It works as well on the gate as my nice one one the front storm door of the house!

Monday, July 22, 2013


I've seen a number of comments and posts as "homesteading" is becoming the latest trend, and with that many are emphasizing the "preparation" for the coming apocalypse or Armageddon or something . . .  Well, I'm not seeing it that way at all.  I had no idea, nearly a decade ago, that I was on the "cutting edge" of some new trend.  I was just listening to the voice of my Shepherd.   I realize "we" are all being put in the same category by many, but I don't consider myself a "prepper" and I didn't know what I was doing was called "homesteading" until last year.  I've really never needed a title to do what I'm supposed to do, just direction from my Creator.

I'd already been shown that my outreach was primarily going to be from home, through the internet and books.  I knew the "hands on" teachings I would do would be encouraging the use of our G-d given gifts" and walk in His Instruction for our health.  The chemicals in the water treatment were affecting my health, and the changes being made to even the fresh foods, were becoming troublesome.  At the time I moved, I had no idea how troublesome!

I had heard my call when I first received His Great Spirit indwelling, and the "title" was about my responsibility and accountability to the One I serve, not a religious position!  Sorting through the nationalism, tradition, expectations, and judgment has taken awhile, and although I haven't arrived, I'm not where I was.

It's taken awhile for me to fully comprehend just how much of Messiah's ministry was meeting people through their physical needs before they received great spiritual teachings.  As I watch the "secrecy" surrounding so many of these homestead endeavors, I remember thinking that same thing.  I'm still not crazy about being the subject of Google searches, but I am running a home business and my books all contain my website and my phone number, so I'm not exactly in hiding.  YHWH reminded me, when I first began to shake off that "hidden" mentality, that the Pharaoh of Egypt knew where Goshen was.

Messiah said two things very specifically after his resurrection.  He told Peter to feed His lambs and sheep.  And he told them all to be witnesses unto Him.  In the perspective He's led me to understand, it's brought me full circle back to "not putting my light under a bushel."  I'm more concerned with being found by those I've been instructed to feed, and I'm more concerned with being "ready" than prepping.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Basic Necessities

This entire economic division began as a Wall Street protest about the fact that 1 Percent of the population holds the vast majority of the nation's wealth, while, at the time, 99% of the population holds about 20% of the nation's tangible assets of value.  There's been some splintering of the "99%" as well as a few more individuals entering the status of millionaire.  The sad situation is, the standard of living for many of the now 98%, has dropped even further.

While the official report states about 50 million Americans are on the food stamp program, some sources cite statistics indicating that up to 1/3 of the American population receives some sort of assistance for basic necessities, such as food and/or shelter.  There are more government food programs than just food stamps. By the time the commodities program is included, reduced school lunches and many receive breakfast, as well, community food kitchens, week-end meal packs provided by various community businesses, and that doesn't include church pantries; there are many, many Americans in need.

With all these statistics, there are two more statistic that we often fail to consider.  Private sector jobs now, primarily amount to minimum wage in Fast Food and Big Box or health care.  Much of the nation's work force works for the government, while much of the nation's working age has found a way to not work, and still receive a check . . . from the government  This brings me to the point, I'm trying to make here.  Whether it's a pay check or assistance, the perpetual motion of our economy is now financed significantly by the government by a large percentage on both ends, and many government jobs amount to nothing more than processing the applications for assistance programs.  

We've had it easy in this country, many call it good.  Even American poverty was well above the standard in many undeveloped nations, but that standard is proving to be unsustainable.  This 99 or 98 percent vs. the 1 percent is not really the division at all, because even The 1 Percent are dependent upon the perpetual motion of the economy.  The Other 1 Percent, although most of us are still involved on some level, the dependence on perpetual motion, has been redirected to a simple sustainable supply.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Just Try Something Unusual

This year as summer is settling over Goshen, I find myself really wanted to stretch a bit more.  Now that the well is wind powered and the computer is solar powered, I feel my main power concerns are addressed.  I have water and can continue my outreach as long as internet remains available.  As I look at the window, I realize there is enough downed timber from natural causes to cook, stay warm, and send smoke signals if need be.

I will admit, I have a few appliances off the grid as well.  Some would have to be on rotation and some simply would be eliminated and back to old fashioned ways, if needed, but I saw something wild and crazy that I just had to try.  Since I've done it, I've truly wished I had it on two different occasions last summer.

I built an "air conditioner" out of an ice chest.  It's amazing!  Actually, so far there are now two.  Once for a friend whose a/c is not working in his vehicle.  This is the one that I truly wish I'd had on two occasions last year.  A friend of mine came to visit late last June in the middle of one of the worst heat and drought times the Ozarks had experienced in some time.  Her a/c wasn't working and unbeknownst at that time, her health was failing horribly.  I wish I'd had my portable vehicle a/c for her last year.

The next time, was when my buddy-in-law was heading to his family for a gathering and I found out that my friend was truly quite ill.  She was only about 75 miles from his destination, so I asked if I could hitch a ride and we made it a road trip, but . . . his a/c was out and he planned to get it fixed when he was visiting family.  Again, I wish I'd had this amazing product last year.

This whiz-bang air conditioner costs less than 20 dollars to make and takes about 30 minutes.  It just plugs in to the phone charge outlet or "cigarette lighter" in the vehicle and for long trips, buy a bag of ice when you buy gasoline.  It's truly that easy and convenient.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Creativity Required

I've really been moved and highly motivated to insist that we all don't have to be defined by our financial status.  There is another option besides the top 1 percent and "the rest . . .," which is what birthed the idea of "The Other 1 Percent."

I found an article that truly describes the type of individuals who make up the other 1%.  Since the foundation for the Other 1 Percent is truly spiritual, we acknowledge our desire to please our Creator in following Y'hshuwah Messiah, the use of the gifts and talents YHWH put in each of us is essential in bringing Him glory and honor.  We of The Other 1 Percent believe one of the best ways to honor our Creator is to be creative!

I'm not going to take your time with my opinion this week, I'm going to share something that truly inspired me to "keep on keeping on!"

Creative People

Sunday, June 23, 2013

How Much Money Does Life Have to Cost?

That question has been around probably since the idea of some type of currency exchange came into society.  There have always been something, I suppose that a person couldn't obtain through barter and precious metal coins were used to make the purchase.  Abraham buying the burial site for Sarah comes to mind.  Interestingly, figuring the value of silver and the price of land, the same weight of silver is worth about the same size parcel of land.  That extra info is at no cost as we consider just how much life needs to cost and what we do need to live.

We must first assess the term need and really consider most of us possess entirely more than we need.  Basically we all need shelter, food, clothing, and a way to provide them.  All the rest are basically beyond need.  I'm not suggesting we bare bones rough it needlessly, but let's face facts, most of us think we need a lot more.  To be honest, I can't think of anything I want that I don't have.  Obviously I have a computer and if you follow any of my articles, you are probably aware that I own my home and some land.  Well, I own it as much as anyone can own property in a mortgaged country.

So, we're talking shelter now.  Basic shelter is not a mcmansion.  Basic shelter is something that provides protection from the elements and affords a bit of privacy, except in the case of NSA surveillance.  I think that just comes with the entire territory now.  I have a much larger home than I need, as do many of us.  And isn't it amazing how many of us don't like to do housework?   We often mistake a burden for a blessing.  Anything larger than we want to take care of or more expensive than we can afford, is a burden.

I am no fashion plate, but I receive compliments nearly every time I go to town.  I have a particular style that suits me and I've worn it for about 20 years.  As a matter of fact, I've had this style so long, it's come back into style!  I actually bought a new skirt last summer, on clearance.  Clothes are another thing in which, we simply have more than we need, and buy unnecessarily.  Just like vehicles, clothes do not have to be purchased new.  I've shopped at thrift stores for years, because it was cheaper than sewing, and bargains are just fun!

As for food, we may all be coming down to the reality that if we're going to have nutritious food that is real food, we're going to have to raise it ourselves or know someone that does.  It really doesn't take a very large garden to provide fresh produce for a family.

As for the rest of our expenses, I consider utilities to be a necessity at this time, but outside of this list, are options or luxuries.  From most of the conversations I've had, I'd say the expensive part of life is the options.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Nicest Compliment

I received an e-mail the other evening that contained the nicest compliment I think I've ever received.  The gentleman referred to the Goshen Gazette as an honest publication.  I truly do not have the words to fully express how deeply that comment touched me.  In a time of having to question everything we hear and even see, it is a wonderful acknowledgment to be the editor of what has been termed, an honest publication.

One of the very first things laid on my heart, when I began walking with YHWH, following Messiah, was a newsletter.  That was nearly 20 years ago that the first publication rolled off the "Word Processor."  It didn't garner a huge following, but it brought a real sense of responsibility to be sure the words contained validation and the publication itself had integrity.  It was my training ground for a world wide publication.

It's interesting how YHWH gives us certain gifts and talents even before we are walking with Him.  All through my school years, I was on the "paper staff."  Journalism was an interest, as was writing, but it was never something I'd considered myself to "always want to do." Before following Messiah, I really did not have any long term goals or hopes.  I'd never considered being a journalist, much less an internet journalist, and although I wrote daily, I never dreamed of writing a book.  I'm thankful for having that placed in me after following Messiah.  It's made it much easier to differentiate between my ideas and YHWH's plan, and also to avoid any compromise in an effort to obtain what I wanted before I knew Him.

It seems most folks on the internet are writing a book, and I've certainly been no exception.  Many of us maintain blogs, as well, and I am blessed to be associated with some amazingly gifted and talented writers who are genuine.  The Goshen Gazette would not be an honest publication without honest contributors.

It is truly a blessed privilege to be associated with people who are not making big self-focused deals about themselves, but taking care of life, even the mundane things like auto repair to the not so mundane adventures of storm chasing.  I pray those two realities are never simultaneous.  I truly enjoy reading the words that express the grace and provision of our Creator in all aspects of their lives.   The news stories are well researched and the personal accounts bear witness of posts and comments in their socializing and fellowship.

The true integrity and honesty of any publication lies not in the support of it's advertisers, or even it's popularity in distribution, but in the fact that what is written is more than just words.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

On A Lighter Note

The urgency to proclaim the message of separation from the dependency of social traditions often becomes almost like the sound of doom crying in the wilderness, but today, rather than a warning, I'd like to share one of the benefits, which actually unfolds into many aspects

Living off the beaten path and moving away from dependency of what we recognize as our society does have it's draw-backs.  Pizza delivery is out of the question, and if I had a TV, cable would be iffy, at best.  I can't have a standard phone line without going through three or four neighbor's property, so some may consider these factors to be negative.  I think Big Name pizza is highly overrated and overpriced, and they are the only ones that deliver.  I didn't have a TV before I moved here, and as for phone service, cell phone companies cover just about everywhere and they even offer a cellular connection for a home phone . . .  When GPS became built in, I decided I wasn't going to carry a cell phone, anyway.  I don't need to be tracked.  So I have some home based internet/phone connection and when I leave, unless my purse has some sort of tracking device, I'm still foot loose and GPS free!

Actually with SMART technology, G4, Ipads, Iphones, Ipods, whatever, I don't have to be so far off the beaten path, it's my choice.  A laptop in the orchard on solar power feels as high tech as I care to be and actually feels pretty darn SMART!

Let me tell you about one of the great things about being off the beaten path.  I can look out any window and see life, life without concrete.  A rooster just crowed outside my window as I'm typing this.  The sounds of nature are amazing.  I am selling my kid crop this week and the other day, I knew I had to get dressed up for a later event, so I decided I'd spend a little extra time in my night gown before taking my shower.  So, I did chores in my night gown, which is always a treat!  I had three bucks I was attempting to lure into a pen with as little raucous as possible, so I put some special hay in a feed pan in the pen and decided to let their curiosity lure them in.

I was at the kitchen sink working and looking out the window, when I noticed all three bucks were munching away, in the pen.  Out the door I flew to take advantage of that opportunity.  It was all done, easy-peasy, in no time.  Now I realize I wouldn't have goats in town, but dogs and cats sometimes need immediate attention, and children always need an adult on duty.  Can you imagine, if I'd had to get dressed, make sure I was presentable, to capture that moment of opportunity?  I don't do it often, but it is nice to know, I can be much less than business casual without fear of being seen.

Off the beaten path does have it's benefits!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

My Daughter Called it Dropping Out

I call it doing something different than drowning in mainstream.

After reading an article, I sat down and did a bit of my own "cyphering" and to my utter dismay, there is no mathematically sound financial solution to the situation America has created. I've included the link to some very disheartening statistics that are all too real.

I am not suggesting these people do not need help, what I am saying is the math is impossible.

1 in 6 Americans are on food stamps. 1 in 6 Americans are on medicaid. 56 million Americans are on Social Security, so that means an even greater number is eligible for Medicare now or within two years. I say a greater number, because civil service, teachers and railroad retirement do utilize medicare but have a retirement plan that is ineligible for retirees to receive social security. Then there's the VA and Veteran's benefits . . .

As I sorted through these statistics, and they are staggering, another variable of this equation came into view. Perhaps the food stamp and medicaid stats overlap with the unemployment statistics, but unemployment is also another funded situation, with no end in sight, as far as job creation. I realize "job creation" has become a political blame game, but the bottom line is this. Jobs are created based upon making something or providing a service that is needed, and someone to buy that product or pay for that service . . . The same people hollering for job creation will go to the big box store and buy "made in another country" because it's cheap. There's a lot of lip service given about a "living wage" but the products most Americans choose to purchase were not made by anyone earning union wages or even a living wage . . .

Here is the literal mathematics of the situation. Not only do all of these figures really add up to nearly half of our population, that's right, nearly half. Many of the jobs that do exist are based upon managing these services. The agencies that process all of these programs are huge and have large administrative budgets. Then there is health care that is becoming more tied into providing services through these agencies. Much of the employment in this country is now based upon providing care and assistance for those who are unemployed, under employed, beyond the "working age," or deemed disabled.

Again, let me repeat, that I am not saying these people do not need some sort of help, what I'm saying is, what we're doing isn't really helping them and certainly isn't helping the next generation. I don't think the Other 1 Percent has dropped out, we've simply dug our heels in and said we can't help balance this equation and we don't want to cause any more imbalance. So, we've taken up a back to basics plan and I've found I'm able to share food, shelter, information, and encouragement without adding to the federal deficit!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dependency and the Avoidance Thereof

Basically, from my understanding of Scripture, we must remove our dependence upon the riches of this world, but we don't get to check out and excuse ourselves from contributing. Remember where Y'hshuwah was born, because all the world should be taxed . . .

As someone who was tempted to consider receiving disability, I am glad I didn't. Not that I think collecting money offered is necessarily a sin, but the dependence upon the system, places the receiver in a very vulnerable position regarding the end of days. I can't find anyplace in Scripture that ever indicates we are to work toward not working. Even the "welfare" system established in Torah indicated that the widows and orphans needed to be out there gleaning the fields themselves. The fact that Boaz made sure Ruth had extra stalks to glean was kindness on his part, but she still had to pick up what his workers were instructed to leave.

The state of dependency that so many have chosen, will ultimately prevent independence on the most basic of levels. When Caesar Augustus sent out his decree, there is no record that Rome was indebted or that Rome was supporting most of the world on credit. America can't say that. Our government has many social agencies and services, but does not have a self-sustaining budget, therefore; while creating dependency for the citizens upon itself, our government is also dependent upon something or someone . . .

The riches of this world will get quite costly. The price for benefits has not really been considered, it's just been passed along. I had already made peace with the resolve to not collect Social Security at 65, years before it was announced by the previous administration, that it would be insolvent by the time I was 60. I pay in because previous generations are dependent upon the funds, but I certainly don't want my dependence to be placed upon the backs of future generations.

As for collecting disability, I honestly believe to the very core of my being, if I'd chosen to receive disability for MS, the disease would have completely destroyed my health by now. Oh, I might still be alive, but I don't think for a moment I would be functioning as I do. As we continue to move toward the end of days, we must realize there is a day coming in which, if we choose dependency upon the riches of the world, it will at some point be in direct opposition to the provision of YHWH.

Since HIS provision is not dependent upon the riches of this world and HE is not indebted, I believe HIS people are already seeing a difference and realizing we are nearing the the fork in the road. The narrow road may look rough and rocky, it is the road less traveled. The wide road is what "everyone is doing," as in; what seems socially secure . . .

Monday, May 20, 2013

Come Out from Among Them and Be Separate

Through my years of public education, anyone with any sense was going to college. College was the future for intellectual up and comers. I was born in the very end of the 50's, so by the time of my arrival, people with higher learning degrees were considered intellectually superior. Gone were the days of one room schoolhouses with a young single woman as the teacher. The days of midwives and advice of the older women were already replaced with ob/gyns and pediatricians. Nurses were no longer trained by apprenticeship or convent assignment. Undertakers in many states were no longer apprenticed or interns, but degreed. Even preachers went to seminary. Actually the concept of advanced learning, licensure, and title began religiously.

By the time I came into this world, the educational caste system was in place.

In 1960, there were about twice the number of men with college degrees as women. The year 1981 marked the gender equality in advanced education, and from that time forward women have exceeded men in attaining academic degrees. I, personally have "some" college, and Bible college. I have studied a great deal of alternative health courses and have certification in many alternative health modalities. Those and $2.00 will get me a cup of coffee in most American cities. I am not at all against knowledge. I love learning, and for years I literally idolized books and academia, but one day I realized education was no longer about knowledge or learning, it became about programming.

Once everyone was properly programmed to embrace the notion that unlike India's caste system, one could educate their way into another status, the bondage began. In the early days of higher learning scholarships were awarded to the outstanding students in specific disciplines. When college became a status commodity, scholarships lost their academic value, but gained some amazing athletes for pro-sports. Ultimately, in many areas, scholarships became tokens. What was once something to strive for, because a reason to change your degree for a few dollars toward the tuition for a "sheep skin." The individual's interest and ability became in obtaining the degree to frame, rather than knowledge and credentials for a specific career. I'd say Steve Job, Bill Gates, and Rush Limbaugh are among the best examples of using a talent, rather than paying for programmed status. They are the exceptions in my generation, but historically speaking, it was never education that made the great men, great.

Since college has become so important to one's identity and status, money of course, is the means to this lofty end. Grants and student loans offered everyone the chance for an education, a level playing field, so to speak. But it isn't. It's still the wealthiest kids or the kids with well known parents, that attend the Ivy League Schools. Scholarships and grants have drastically diminished and for the average High School graduate of Middle Class parents, college will amount to at least 20 years of debt toward their new career, just as soon as the economy picks up and employment opportunities become available in all the dime a dozen degrees that have been promoted. I mean, colleges have bills to pay too and an economic downturn affects the bottom line of higher education.

I read one article that said a college degree today equates with a high school diploma of 1950. I can't say, one way or another, but I do know I have personally known 2 men of the One Percent and heard the stories of another. None of those men were educated beyond High School, but they all pursued careers in which they had a natural interest and a G-d given talent. My goal is not a financial one, and I don't know that their's was, but to embrace life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness using the talents placed in me by my Creator to accomplish His purpose for my life is all the status this Other 1 Percenter could hope for.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

We Are Not "Preppers"

I think there is some confusion looming on the horizon as to the folks who are survivalists and organizing militias and those of the Other 1 Percent. I, personally, am not awaiting doomsday. Religiously speaking, I do want to be ready for the Second Coming, but I'm not expecting the "traditional rapture" concept either. Although the direction of this new millenium does seem dismal on some fronts, I'm not hunkering down and stockpiling. Now that I've shared what we're not, I'd like to share what The Other 1 Percent is truly about, at least from my perspective.

The Other 1 Percent is making different investment choices than US currency, yet we're staying on American soil, both financially and practically. I'm not seeking offshore investments, not outsourcing, nor expatriating. It's a lifestyle of returning to the method of living that has worked for centuries upon centuries that our grandparents left for the industrial revolution, which appears to be winding down in less than a century. To see this and point it out, doesn't make me a prophet of doom, it makes me aware of the news and unemployment statistics. I'm investing in the soil, and that is different than buying land.

I am hoping that I will at some point be a part of a group of folks in one place sharing this same vision and commitment, but that will then get the label of a cult. Realizing the two things that have been prophesied to come to pass, I'm not sure I'll see it in the way, I was hoping. I do believe the Bible and although I don't like everything that has been prophesied, I don't feel that I'm supposed to fight it. I'm sort of a peaceful rebel, but I know these things and I believe they are the purpose of the Other 1 Percent.

My life is very spiritually centered, and right now that seems not so popular. It's as if spirituality must be pantheistic or at least with intangible adjectives like ethereal and surreal, yet without direction; to be accepted socially. Our social spirituality seems to be a paradox of purposeless direction. A sort of worship of the journey . . .That's okay, I'm not called to fix that perspective either, the Other 1 Percent lifestyle is not for everyone. I'm thrilled, actually, that the government is only calling us "preppers." I've been called much more vile things than that, but then Y'hshuwah said that would happen and he specified from where the degradation would come. He was spot on!

Humans were created to tend the garden, and it's worked all these years . . . My investment in the soil is seeds. This week's Torah portion addressed how to afix the price of a field. It was not to be based upon a land value, but rather the number or years of crops it would produce before the land itself reverted back to the original tribal owner. Not only do I harvest produce, I harvest seeds to perpetuate my investment. When Y'hshuwah said to "be ready." I believe he meant that, so I guess in some ways, I do fit the criteria of the negative connotation of "cult prepper," but that's not because of what I believe, it's because of what my accusers don't believe.

My method toward success is following the Instructions given by our Creator. In doing so, He keeps my garden growing and my livestock healthy. The only time I haven't had rain in it's season or had problems with the herd, was when I was disobedient to His Instructions. It truly is that simple. There are instructions for successfully operating anything in life, I don't know why people would choose to disregard the Instructions for life . . .

Not waiting to be taken care of by a government or a church doesn't mean I'm fighting them. Back to the basics of the Bible is refreshing. Being a part of the Other 1 Percent is a practical spirituality or spiritual practicality. The Other 1 Percent are not awaiting and preparing for doom, we've embraced a spiritual awakening to life!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Most Interesting Dichotomy

I have been aware of the dichotomies in the true spiritual plan YHWH has for each of us, and I am quite sure the Other 1 Percent sports a myriad of them. It's funny, two words that are seemingly opposing just fit together beautifully in the life of those who are working in their G-d given talents!

I have a friend who is very creative yet very organized. Those two do not often go hand in hand . . . I know another person who is a humble powerhouse, and another who is intensely laid back, if you can imagine that. I tend to be a gregarious loner . . . which I'm sure sends very confusing signals, but it works perfectly for this purposed life to which YHWH has called me.

I have to talk about my latest endeavor and goal. I'm heading for "off the grid internet!" Is that not the technical dichotomy of this century . . . for now? I actually have a standard laptop that runs from a solar panel. Then I have a tether to connect my wifi, so it runs off the power of the computer. Sweet deal, huh? Obviously this is not a plan for every day of the year, but for those days I'm longing to be outdoors, but have work to do, it's going to be wonderful!

And just in case life gets a bit tricky on the grid, I'm working on alternatives. I can't speak for all the Other 1 Percent, in that they may be utilizing their technology for their purpose, but for me, I'd rather keep enhancing than upgrading. The techs at my internet service provider are always wonderful to tell me that their latest gadget may not yet work so well "off the beaten path." I appreciate that.

I really do believe the Other 1 Percent is sensing imminent change and preparing for that. Most of us do want a practical and efficient way to keep our ministries going and reduce our dependency upon things that are very much out of our control. I realize YHWH can override any of these world powers at any moment, but I also know HE is going to allow a great many things to "run their course," so I'm doing what I can to stand. As the Post Office begins to observe Shabbat, intentionally or unintentionally, we may see some other changes taking place.

When someone is implementing and improvising off the beaten path, on a project in which the means and the end appear to be diametrically opposed, they may just be in The Other 1 Percent. So for now, while it's possible, I'm heading off the grid with my e-mail, knowing the control of the Internet is not in my power. Meanwhile I'll practice my smoke signals and listen for the sound of the shofar!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Just Some Thoughts

Establishing some sustainable non-expenses or low cost perpetuity is actually preferable to savings . . . For instance:
home grown veggies are preferable to produce "on sale." We have no idea what is actually in our produce any more, and considering the wax and GMO, we really have no idea how old it is. Consider the produce in a farmer's market. It doesn't have the "staying power" found in the produce aisle.

I've discovered some great news for those in the suburbs. Many residential areas now allow a few hens. I'm not sure how "free range" these hens are allowed to be, but there are some really cute "city chicken coups" for sale and even if total free range is not possible, you can know they are not living in a 1 foot square box and you can choose what to feed them.

Crafting and improvising is also a great part of this lifestyle. Beach umbrellas are a great idea for staking out a goat in an area that needs "weeds whacked!" Not only were the goats thrilled with their special treat, but I didn't use any gas or have fuel emissions using a weed whacker. And, unlike a weed-whacker, at the end of the day, I enjoyed the ultimate in recycled "green." A weed-whacker doesn't give milk. More sustainable, perpetual savings. With a few hens and a goat, I can walk right on past the dairy section. Just in grocery savings alone, that's over $10.00 a week, add to the fact I'm enjoying free range organic eggs, raw goat's milk, and feta cheese, that ups the savings from $10.00 a week to organic and gourmet specialties in the neighborhood of $25.00 dollars a week. Truth be told, I wouldn't spend that for the "extras" but instead I enjoy the extras for what would amount to $1.50 a week in feed for 4-6 hens and goats just graze through most of the year.

Hens and goats enjoy the garden extras, like tops off the root vegetables and seeds and peelings. Win/Win for All!
Saving money is great, but I believe even greater stewardship is investing in sustainable resources that are perpetual. Keep in mind, though, when it comes to investing, some saving and planning is essential to be ready when the opportunity is presented.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Time for Action

For the most part, our society has taken the lead from Washington and we're becoming "all talk." If you doubt me, look at the number of ministries, pastors, and rabbis, collecting on Facebook. As a society, we are no longer a people of action, just talk. People are talking and talking and talking about all the wisdom and insight into the wrongfulness of others, while doing little else than talk. It is time for action.

If Washington can keep us all talking and lulled into waiting on "their" next collective move, we'll still be sitting here doing nothing when Armageddon begins! There are things in Scripture that are going to happen, are going to take place, regardless of what we post and warn about on social media or from the bema and pulpit. The choice we have, and I believe, is what sets the Other 1 Percent apart, is the decision to stop depending upon government and world solutions, without actually dropping out . . . I'm not opposed to becoming self sufficient and off the grid, etc., but it isn't the first necessary step.

The first step is to realize our Creator, YHWH, really does know what we have need of. He also clearly defines the difference between NEED and GREED, and He expects us to the same. Our Creator is efficient and waste offends Him. He doesn't like provision wasted, He doesn't like sustenance wasted, and He clearly doesn't like talents to go unused. Y'hshuwah's parable indicated everyone gets at least one talent, and the Psalmist says the righteous will not beg. I realize in our society, that definition of begging is open to interpretation, but suffice it to say, most of us could do with less than we have.

The next step is to see what our Creator has promised in His Word and what He expects from us. For instance, and I'll probably address this further in Holy Homesteading, but for me to trust YWHW for rain for the garden, in it's season, I need to be obedient to His Word, and I need to get the seeds in the ground in the proper season, as well. I'm not as interested in saving money as I am in harvesting seeds. I'm not so concerned about currency as I am about barter potential. Money is only a tool to obtain something I cannot grow or make. I'm thinking that is the fundamental difference between The One Percent, The 98%, and the Other 1%.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Serious Soul Searching

How much am I willing to share when it all hits the fan? Especially with those who are ignoring the warning? As of right now, I cannot honestly answer that, but I am seeking my Maker to receive His answer. I have spoken with a few other "Other 1 Percenters" on this topic and truthfully, it's a sensitive subject. Where is the line drawn? We all know the story of the Little Red Hen, and this preparation lifestyle can bring that out in all of us.

Where is the line between being kind and being played? Where is the line between sharing and providing? Undoubtedly as conditions continue to decline and trust continues to dwindle, there will still be need, but where will the answers and solutions be found? Where is the line between discernment and judgment? I'm truly beginning to think the other 1 percent could serve to be a real source of valuable information and example.

I'm beginning to think The Other 1 Percent will serve YHWH, and humanity, in some rather unconventional ways. It will go well beyond week-end attendance at some building, it won't be all "religiousness." I wouldn't be surprised if the last days prophets and apostles are wearing overalls and broom-skirts . . . gender specified, of course! This was only an example of work clothes, not a uniform. I also won't be surprised if the last days Pharisees are saying all the "right words" all over social media, while living Biblically "casual" and system dependent lifestyles. I'm also thinking I need to know, not what I am willing to do, but what my Creator is asking of me. I have a tendency to "want to include everyone," but Romans 8:29-30 indicates my zealous inclusion is inaccurate and presumptuous. There is nothing new under the sun, so just as the majority has been apathetic or wrong in most every historic situation, the end of days will be no exception.

I'm not saying the "Other 1 Percent" will all look like the subjects in American Gothic, but by the same token, I believe the end of days will put an end to the priorities that are presently held by many. I can honestly say, I have more than enough, but I can honestly say, I'm picky with whom I choose to share it. I got a taste of this years before I was homesteading and as current events continue to unfold, I am getting a glimpse as to what I was actually experiencing. Back in the late 90's the flip side to the "prosperity teaching" was "indulgent poverty." Those were situations in which the participants were usually in judgment of the religious teaching of wealth, so they didn't go at all, or attended a little church that ministered to the poor . . . which was them! They had funds for all sorts of frivolous desires on pay day, but had no problem asking for groceries later in the month. So while both ends of the religious spectrum were begging, the middle was supporting then entire fiasco, exactly on the same model as the government and banking have been operating for years.

I prayed about this 15 years ago and I'm so glad I did. I believe the Other 1 Percent will be helping those who are just now, coming into the knowledge of what it is to live by faith. I also believe the Other 1 Percent will end up being judged by society. I believe the Other 1 Percent will be helping those who are willing to roll up their sleeves and grab a hoe or a milk bucket. I also believe the Other 1 Percent will be condemned for teaching children to work! I believe, as a member of the Other 1 Percent, I won't support or assist those who have "more worldly needs" than I do. I also believe the Other 1 Percent will be labeled, outcasts, but it will not be the goal. We all know someone now that just has to orchestrate themselves to be the "persecuted outcast." That's not what I'm seeing as fellowship in the Other 1 Percent. I believe the Other 1 Percent won't have time for much technology or entertainment, but will be satisfied with an accomplished day, good food, and blessed fellowship.

I believe the Other 1 Percent will be in this world but not of this world . . .