Sunday, September 28, 2014

I Shall Not Be Moved

I'm finding myself in a bit of a quandary as I read the headlines, listen to opinions, and peruse the comments of social media.  The continual information can be a bit daunting.  The challenges to faith and the expression of our faith in these troubling times, must be addressed and resolved personally for each of us.  There's a line between steadfast and stiff-necked, faithful and flaunting, sanctified and self-righteous.  I desire to be on YHWH's side of each of those lines.  Sometimes the lines seem a bit blurred, but they really shouldn't be.

The hope of fellowship seems to be the most trying area of faith, right now.  Many of us are without flesh and blood fellowship and the "sharing" by way of social media usually turns into more of a challenge than many of us are ready for.  I've been addressing the shemitah for some time now, and I prayed very diligently before posting what I have.  Well, in the tradition of the spoken and written word, as soon as I shared something definitive, the rebuttals and alternative teachings poured in.

I don't want to be stubborn, or as its called in Scripture - stiff-necked, but I do desire to be steadfast.  For too many years, I've doubted after studying and seeking Abba in prayer, unsure as to whether I'm doubting myself or Abba.  Seeking, reading, and asking, then, doubting in the first wind of discussion is absolutely NOT faith.  I've been through the same thing this past few weeks on the ever old debate of "law vs. grace" which of course includes the celebration and observance of the Feasts of YHWH.  I made peace with that one years ago . . . then the Feasts of YHWH seems to open the door to the next debate of calendar and Name.  

After much prayer and seeking, I will observe Shemitah this year which not only aligns with Israel's observance, but it is my 7th year on this place.  I've received e-mails and teachings that we do not have to observe as well as emails and teachings that I'm a year early.  This is where I stand and I shall not be moved.  In discussion, I've even stated, if I'm wrong, I don't expect anyone to share their food with me.  I also read that the wrong year will result in war.  We're already at war, and more war is coming, whether I plant green beans next year or not.

I've also chosen to be steadfast when it comes to the law vs. grace debate based upon Scripture.  Noah found grace in the eyes of Adonai, yet was given precise Instructions to follow.  Torah is better translated Instruction than law . . . Isaiah tells us and Peter repeats that the Word of YHWH stands forever.  I can't ignore and reject the first 3/4 of the Bible, then expect to hold YHWH to John 3:16!

I do not debate the pronunciation of our Father's Holy Name, but I hold steadfastly that His Name is to be shared and the Messiah's true Name is known to His own.

 For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreads out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.  Jeremiah 17:8

Sunday, September 21, 2014

One Letter Difference

Something has been irritating me for years and it finally dawned upon me, what the problem is.  In the last 20 years or so, the term "consumer" has taken over the retail and service experience.  Although it seemed subtle, it offended me, truly offended me.  I sensed something being put into place.  I felt a change of sorts, but couldn't quite put my finger on it, other than to realize, "the customer is always right" was soon to be history!  I knew there was more to this.  Tinfoil Hat Alert!

Can you remember the last time you were called a customer?  Oh, there are still customer service phone reps for many companies, and a Customer Service Department in some retail stores.   When calling a customer service line, there is a significant waiting period to actually hear a human voice after the initial recorded message, "Your call is important to us."

Through the years, I've sensed a real disconnect between what it was to be a customer and now among the herd of consumers.  Some service oriented companies use the term "client," but for the most part we are all, now, considered to be consumers.  In the years of progress regarding debit cards and check-out technology, the term "swipe" now means to process the card for payment.  "Swipe" used to mean stealing, but I digress.

Although there is only one letter difference between CUSTOMER and CONSUMER, the difference in the definition changes everything.

CUSTOMER:  Someone who pays for goods or services

CONSUMER:  A person who uses goods or services

Another subtle step toward desensitization in regard to buying and selling . . .

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Blessing of Honor

In our country, it seems 99% of the population feels our society revolves around money.  One percent have most of it, and 98% openly claim to be covetous of that fact.  

Although there is a dollar value on this sign, the fact that there are still businessmen who operate on the honor system is refreshing.  I enjoy doing that in my business as well!  I presume my customers appreciate it as much as I appreciate this sign.  My heart has truly rejoiced in being so blessed to live in an area that this is still possible and  . . . openly advertised.

Obviously, for tax reasons, I can't just drop a bar of G-ma's Goatmilk Soap in the can under the tree, but it's so nice to see folks who still have a little faith in their fellowman.  As I chose my watermelon, I felt the blessing of being able to do that, and the privilege of being trusted.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Difference

Most of our society has become oblivious to the concept of need vs. want.  Then there's the fact that the concept of a finished product faded from factory work years ago, not to mention entertainment is now considered to be a service, as well as a necessity.

When we began working for money, wealth was defined by material possessions and how we spend our free time, the concept of a product and service truly got lost.  It is my fervent hope that the Other 1% actually increases in numbers.  An actual product and service based economy would change the imbalance of our current situation.  I don't see that happening, but that would do it.  It's really very simple math.

A few, very few people have most of the money, because the majority prefers to pay and gripe.  If people stopped going to movies and watching sports, the celebrities and athletes would not be millionaires, and the media moguls and team owners would not be The One Percent.

I would love to see more people live above the poverty line, but raising minimum wage isn't the answer.  Far too many folks just can't see what raising the minimum wage will actually do in this country.  First and foremost, always remember, if politicians are for it, it won't benefit the people.  Over half of the representatives in Washington are in The One Percent.  This aristocracy crosses party lines . . .  If minimum wage is raised to $11.00 an hour, that means everything that is assembled or served by folks making minimum wage will go up.  It also means, the rest of the work force will will either insist upon higher wages, or their buying power will be reduced by the increase to cover the increased minimum wage.

Selling hamburgers is not manufacturing and phone plans are not really providing a service.  Manufacturing used to involve making something tangible that was either lasting or met a "needed" purpose.  A genuine product and service economy doesn't actually require money.  The money is for convenience and taxes.  A product and service economy provides a way for everyone to have what they need that they can't actually make or do for themselves.  The auto industry used to be a great example of this.  So was pre-pharmaceutical health care and genuine retail sales, for that matter.

Basically, it's not about the money at all, but rather it's about priorities.  Poor people can be greedy.  Wealthy people can be conscientious.  The only thing that will change this faltering economy, and truthfully, I think it's too late, is for people to stop working for money and start using their G-d given talents to make or trade what they need to live.  I speak from experience, entertainment is not so necessary when you enjoy your life.