Sunday, January 26, 2014


When did the Creator's plan for life, become labeled alternative?  If you don't use pharmaceuticals, it's Alternative Medicine.  Using wind and solar power is Alternative Energy.   Outside of the mainstream rat race is called the Alternative Lifestyle.  So in all of this, I'm introducing a new label, because I've already embraced Alternative Responsibility.

Our Creator did not make us to love money, or consider our value to be based on how much of that we have.  He had so much more planned for humanity than what we are settling for.  I've also noticed in this The One Percent and the 98%, greed is more prevalent in the 98%.  People certainly do not have to be wealthy to be greedy, and as a rule, the want, want, want mentality comes from the 98%, not the uber wealthy.  The wealthy class are not covetous because they can buy whatever they want.  They may compete amongst themselves, but The One Percent as a rule is not covetous of anything money can buy.

The Other 1 Percent has a fondness for the things money cannot buy.  And that's the Alternative Responsibility I want to address today.  Alternative Responsibility is interchangeable with the term Alternative Adulthood, but I thought if it catches on and becomes initials, AA has already been used.

Not to discount reality or encourage any irresponsibility.  Make sure you have enough provision to keep a roof over your head, food on the table, and a means of transportation or access to public transportation.  The rest is how you choose to spend the time and energy you've been given.

Here are the basics to embrace Alternative Responsibility.
Realize, to our Heavenly Father, we are children, so enjoy His creation as a child.  Name the animals, enjoy their individuality, and spend some time in the dirt.  Gardening is not only ordained for our food supply, it is very therapeutic.

Since we are in the image of our Creator, we are also creative, in one way or another.  Spend some time being creative.  Not everyone is an artist on canvas.  Some are creative chefs, some do needlework, quilting is all but a lost art, try an instrument, woodworking, something; just do something creative.  It literally rewires your thought process.  You may even discover you can make a living using your talent!

We are to rest one full day a week, and that is the seventh day.  Be sure to attend Biblical Feasts, as they are wonderful celebrations!

When I embraced Alternative Responsibility, I discovered my expenses dropped dramatically.  Most who were offering opinions inferred this alternative living to be irresponsible, but nearly everything that now bears the "alternative" adjective is actually the original.  Alternative Responsibility may be the only thing that leaves any semblance of a sustainable lifestyle for future generations.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

99% Exhausted

I'm truly tired of the whole money and power and control game.  I just simply do not want to play.  You'd think, due to my lifestyle that I wouldn't know any of The 1 Percent, but I do.  I'm amazed at how many I do know . . .But then, this is America, anybody with some discipline and determination can become a millionaire!  Right?  In all fairness to those who set that goal and achieved that aim, that's great!  For the 98% who sound mostly jealous, I'm sorry.  If the inflation of the 70's had continued, we'd all be millionaires by now, but it wouldn't mean much . . .

I know people who are spending virtual fortunes, paying bankers and attorneys to manage their money, even after they are dead and don't need it.  After this last banking bailout, that's the last folks I'd be trusting with large sums of money, but it would seem many people who are busy acquiring and amassing didn't raise their kids with values they can trust.  When I hear these folk talking, the words of Ecclesiastes goes through my head.  Vanity, vanity, and vexation of spirit . . .
When it comes to American money, it's just part of the monopoly game.  Somebody gets to own Boardwalk and somebody else can't make it past GO without landing on Income Tax.  Don't forget, someone has to finance "Community Chest."   Then there is "Chance" which aligns in my view to the Casinos and Lottery.  Very few are moving from 98% to The 1 Percent by Chance.  The Casinos, or Riverboats as they were once called, have virtually put Atlantic City and Las Vegas out of business.  The government's move to stop gambling crime, I guess has been somewhat successful.  The mafia just couldn't compete with the state governments who are now running power ball, lottery, and casinos.

Back to my tired rant.  I simply cannot wrap my mind around working for money or even money to buy "stuff."  Don't get me wrong, I like to make investments, but I like the investments to usable, not just monetary.  I like owning some land, it produces a lot of things.  I'm certainly no big time operator, but that isn't my interest, either.  I have other things to tend to as well, and I just couldn't even sleep at night with the idea of owing John Deere $900,000.00 and mortgages on land, or Monsanto's next experiment in the seeds I plant.  I don't want to do farm work, just to cash in, at the harvest.  I want to do farm work, for delicious organic food fresh in season, and preserved for the rest of the year.

I've been particularly excited about my natural products business.  There are two parts about this, I just love.  First, I enjoy praying about healthy solutions for people to replace all the chemicals, and formulating them.  The second part I truly love, is the notes of progress from people who are moving away from the chemicals and pharmaceuticals.  I just love opening those notes and e-mails.  It truly makes my day!  I don't think my reason for being in business to "make" money, but rather; to "make" good products that help people feel better.  Enough money to fund the ministry, order supplies, and keep the goat milk flowing works for me.

There truly is more to life than money and once you get a hold of that fact, money no longer holds the same value.  It's just a tool of trade. it's not the goal.

And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of G-d.  Ecclesiastes 3

Sunday, January 12, 2014

More Reason to Expand This Other 1 Percent

The headlines regarding employment are grim, yet misleadingly promising . . . That's journalistic double speak for political double speak.  We're through with that now and moving right to the point.

The month of December came in way under expectations for employment opportunities, as have several months through the "recovery" after the back page revisions are noted.  The real issue with this sad information is that with fewer jobs, the unemployment figures have gone down, because unemployment benefits have run out, and more boomers have latched on to social security and disability, rather than fight their way back into the job force.

Here are the statistics that caught my eye, as the rest of the figures we are being fed, can be hand picked to produce the stats of choice, depending upon the political strategy to be "proven."

Here are some hard figures I found in completely unrelated sources.  The business and money section of cnn says, only 62.8% of Americans are working.  I do not know if that is Americans over the age of 18 or 21.  I haven't researched that.  The point, I will make here is that even with low unemployment figures for the last quarter, 62.8% means nearly 40%, specifically 37.2% of Americans are not employed.

The next figures I researched were those of government employment.  According to the link below, 15.3 percent of the entire American workforce is employed by the government on some level.  That means 15.3% of the work force receive their paycheck from the withholding taxes of the 62.8% of Americans who are working.  To take that a step further . . . 62.8% of the population becomes 100% of the work force.  We, then, have to deduct 15.3% of that figure, and I'm being generous toward the deficit, in that 15.3% of the work force are processing papers and serving the 37.2% of the non-contributing population.  Now, before anyone gets upset, I'm not name calling or pointing fingers.  This is purely a mathematical situation, which is proving to be unsustainable, and worse, reported inaccurately from month to month.

Here are the figures based upon the percentages given of a population of 300,000,000.
America has 188,400,000 people presently working.   Of those working, 18,900,000 are self employed and
28,825,200 31,716,900 government employed.   While, for various reasons, 111,600,000 are not working and many in this figure are not included in the employment or unemployment statistics at all.  Obviously this is a complete statistical shift from days gone by.

Health care fields account for almost 11% of the employment in this country.  To offer a quick observance of the new economic balance in this country.  I couldn't find the stats for employment opportunities in the criminal justice system, but that is also a major employer in the private sector now.  Of the 111,600,000 people not working, there are government workers processing their paperwork for assistance, health care workers providing care, or guards and probation officers overseeing.  Our economy of perpetual motion is based upon an infrastructure of disease, disability, and crime!

Come on out of mainstream . . . The 1% is gaining wealth and power, while the 98% exchange their monopoly money of going passed GO, collecting $200.00 to land on INCOME TAX, and avoid JAIL, until they qualify for disability, SS, or long term care.  62.8%  15.3%

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Sowing is Investing

Seems it was early summer of 2006, I "heard" the rider on the black horse had been released or would be released, and the economic repercussions would begin to become evident.  It was then, that I did two things.  First, I posted what I'd heard on my Yahoo 360° blog.  Remember Yahoo 360°?

After posting the warning of the coming economic calamity, I then called my stock broker and told him, I had changed my direction for stock investment and asked him to seek the divestiture of my portfolio.  He talked to me a few minutes, reminding me of my age, growth potential of the companies, recommending that perhaps I should give further consideration to this,  maybe come in and talk to him . . . I thanked him for his time and said my decision was final.

It's been over 7 years now, since I changed my "stock" investment, and so thankful that I didn't let him talk me out of that decision.  I'm still not sure if my particular investments would have been worthy of the taxpayer bail out!  Even with a bail out, I don't think Wall Street has matched the dividends I've received.  Since that decision and phone call, I've increased my land holdings by more than 500%.  Seeds that didn't even cost as much as his selling fee have produced harvests to fill a fruit cellar.  I started three businesses after purchasing a milk goat, which cost less than the commission the broker charged per transaction.  Stella was quite the "stock" investment.

I've truly sown into what I believe I'm supposed to be doing and what the people of YHWH will find to be a beneficial harvest.  As these end of days unfold, and the 1% and 98% squabble over money and a living wage, I've found some solid stock investment, not on Wall Street, but rather; Outside of Mainstream and Off the Beaten Path.