Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dependency and the Avoidance Thereof

Basically, from my understanding of Scripture, we must remove our dependence upon the riches of this world, but we don't get to check out and excuse ourselves from contributing. Remember where Y'hshuwah was born, because all the world should be taxed . . .

As someone who was tempted to consider receiving disability, I am glad I didn't. Not that I think collecting money offered is necessarily a sin, but the dependence upon the system, places the receiver in a very vulnerable position regarding the end of days. I can't find anyplace in Scripture that ever indicates we are to work toward not working. Even the "welfare" system established in Torah indicated that the widows and orphans needed to be out there gleaning the fields themselves. The fact that Boaz made sure Ruth had extra stalks to glean was kindness on his part, but she still had to pick up what his workers were instructed to leave.

The state of dependency that so many have chosen, will ultimately prevent independence on the most basic of levels. When Caesar Augustus sent out his decree, there is no record that Rome was indebted or that Rome was supporting most of the world on credit. America can't say that. Our government has many social agencies and services, but does not have a self-sustaining budget, therefore; while creating dependency for the citizens upon itself, our government is also dependent upon something or someone . . .

The riches of this world will get quite costly. The price for benefits has not really been considered, it's just been passed along. I had already made peace with the resolve to not collect Social Security at 65, years before it was announced by the previous administration, that it would be insolvent by the time I was 60. I pay in because previous generations are dependent upon the funds, but I certainly don't want my dependence to be placed upon the backs of future generations.

As for collecting disability, I honestly believe to the very core of my being, if I'd chosen to receive disability for MS, the disease would have completely destroyed my health by now. Oh, I might still be alive, but I don't think for a moment I would be functioning as I do. As we continue to move toward the end of days, we must realize there is a day coming in which, if we choose dependency upon the riches of the world, it will at some point be in direct opposition to the provision of YHWH.

Since HIS provision is not dependent upon the riches of this world and HE is not indebted, I believe HIS people are already seeing a difference and realizing we are nearing the the fork in the road. The narrow road may look rough and rocky, it is the road less traveled. The wide road is what "everyone is doing," as in; what seems socially secure . . .

Monday, May 20, 2013

Come Out from Among Them and Be Separate

Through my years of public education, anyone with any sense was going to college. College was the future for intellectual up and comers. I was born in the very end of the 50's, so by the time of my arrival, people with higher learning degrees were considered intellectually superior. Gone were the days of one room schoolhouses with a young single woman as the teacher. The days of midwives and advice of the older women were already replaced with ob/gyns and pediatricians. Nurses were no longer trained by apprenticeship or convent assignment. Undertakers in many states were no longer apprenticed or interns, but degreed. Even preachers went to seminary. Actually the concept of advanced learning, licensure, and title began religiously.

By the time I came into this world, the educational caste system was in place.

In 1960, there were about twice the number of men with college degrees as women. The year 1981 marked the gender equality in advanced education, and from that time forward women have exceeded men in attaining academic degrees. I, personally have "some" college, and Bible college. I have studied a great deal of alternative health courses and have certification in many alternative health modalities. Those and $2.00 will get me a cup of coffee in most American cities. I am not at all against knowledge. I love learning, and for years I literally idolized books and academia, but one day I realized education was no longer about knowledge or learning, it became about programming.

Once everyone was properly programmed to embrace the notion that unlike India's caste system, one could educate their way into another status, the bondage began. In the early days of higher learning scholarships were awarded to the outstanding students in specific disciplines. When college became a status commodity, scholarships lost their academic value, but gained some amazing athletes for pro-sports. Ultimately, in many areas, scholarships became tokens. What was once something to strive for, because a reason to change your degree for a few dollars toward the tuition for a "sheep skin." The individual's interest and ability became in obtaining the degree to frame, rather than knowledge and credentials for a specific career. I'd say Steve Job, Bill Gates, and Rush Limbaugh are among the best examples of using a talent, rather than paying for programmed status. They are the exceptions in my generation, but historically speaking, it was never education that made the great men, great.

Since college has become so important to one's identity and status, money of course, is the means to this lofty end. Grants and student loans offered everyone the chance for an education, a level playing field, so to speak. But it isn't. It's still the wealthiest kids or the kids with well known parents, that attend the Ivy League Schools. Scholarships and grants have drastically diminished and for the average High School graduate of Middle Class parents, college will amount to at least 20 years of debt toward their new career, just as soon as the economy picks up and employment opportunities become available in all the dime a dozen degrees that have been promoted. I mean, colleges have bills to pay too and an economic downturn affects the bottom line of higher education.

I read one article that said a college degree today equates with a high school diploma of 1950. I can't say, one way or another, but I do know I have personally known 2 men of the One Percent and heard the stories of another. None of those men were educated beyond High School, but they all pursued careers in which they had a natural interest and a G-d given talent. My goal is not a financial one, and I don't know that their's was, but to embrace life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness using the talents placed in me by my Creator to accomplish His purpose for my life is all the status this Other 1 Percenter could hope for.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

We Are Not "Preppers"

I think there is some confusion looming on the horizon as to the folks who are survivalists and organizing militias and those of the Other 1 Percent. I, personally, am not awaiting doomsday. Religiously speaking, I do want to be ready for the Second Coming, but I'm not expecting the "traditional rapture" concept either. Although the direction of this new millenium does seem dismal on some fronts, I'm not hunkering down and stockpiling. Now that I've shared what we're not, I'd like to share what The Other 1 Percent is truly about, at least from my perspective.

The Other 1 Percent is making different investment choices than US currency, yet we're staying on American soil, both financially and practically. I'm not seeking offshore investments, not outsourcing, nor expatriating. It's a lifestyle of returning to the method of living that has worked for centuries upon centuries that our grandparents left for the industrial revolution, which appears to be winding down in less than a century. To see this and point it out, doesn't make me a prophet of doom, it makes me aware of the news and unemployment statistics. I'm investing in the soil, and that is different than buying land.

I am hoping that I will at some point be a part of a group of folks in one place sharing this same vision and commitment, but that will then get the label of a cult. Realizing the two things that have been prophesied to come to pass, I'm not sure I'll see it in the way, I was hoping. I do believe the Bible and although I don't like everything that has been prophesied, I don't feel that I'm supposed to fight it. I'm sort of a peaceful rebel, but I know these things and I believe they are the purpose of the Other 1 Percent.

My life is very spiritually centered, and right now that seems not so popular. It's as if spirituality must be pantheistic or at least with intangible adjectives like ethereal and surreal, yet without direction; to be accepted socially. Our social spirituality seems to be a paradox of purposeless direction. A sort of worship of the journey . . .That's okay, I'm not called to fix that perspective either, the Other 1 Percent lifestyle is not for everyone. I'm thrilled, actually, that the government is only calling us "preppers." I've been called much more vile things than that, but then Y'hshuwah said that would happen and he specified from where the degradation would come. He was spot on!

Humans were created to tend the garden, and it's worked all these years . . . My investment in the soil is seeds. This week's Torah portion addressed how to afix the price of a field. It was not to be based upon a land value, but rather the number or years of crops it would produce before the land itself reverted back to the original tribal owner. Not only do I harvest produce, I harvest seeds to perpetuate my investment. When Y'hshuwah said to "be ready." I believe he meant that, so I guess in some ways, I do fit the criteria of the negative connotation of "cult prepper," but that's not because of what I believe, it's because of what my accusers don't believe.

My method toward success is following the Instructions given by our Creator. In doing so, He keeps my garden growing and my livestock healthy. The only time I haven't had rain in it's season or had problems with the herd, was when I was disobedient to His Instructions. It truly is that simple. There are instructions for successfully operating anything in life, I don't know why people would choose to disregard the Instructions for life . . .

Not waiting to be taken care of by a government or a church doesn't mean I'm fighting them. Back to the basics of the Bible is refreshing. Being a part of the Other 1 Percent is a practical spirituality or spiritual practicality. The Other 1 Percent are not awaiting and preparing for doom, we've embraced a spiritual awakening to life!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Most Interesting Dichotomy

I have been aware of the dichotomies in the true spiritual plan YHWH has for each of us, and I am quite sure the Other 1 Percent sports a myriad of them. It's funny, two words that are seemingly opposing just fit together beautifully in the life of those who are working in their G-d given talents!

I have a friend who is very creative yet very organized. Those two do not often go hand in hand . . . I know another person who is a humble powerhouse, and another who is intensely laid back, if you can imagine that. I tend to be a gregarious loner . . . which I'm sure sends very confusing signals, but it works perfectly for this purposed life to which YHWH has called me.

I have to talk about my latest endeavor and goal. I'm heading for "off the grid internet!" Is that not the technical dichotomy of this century . . . for now? I actually have a standard laptop that runs from a solar panel. Then I have a tether to connect my wifi, so it runs off the power of the computer. Sweet deal, huh? Obviously this is not a plan for every day of the year, but for those days I'm longing to be outdoors, but have work to do, it's going to be wonderful!

And just in case life gets a bit tricky on the grid, I'm working on alternatives. I can't speak for all the Other 1 Percent, in that they may be utilizing their technology for their purpose, but for me, I'd rather keep enhancing than upgrading. The techs at my internet service provider are always wonderful to tell me that their latest gadget may not yet work so well "off the beaten path." I appreciate that.

I really do believe the Other 1 Percent is sensing imminent change and preparing for that. Most of us do want a practical and efficient way to keep our ministries going and reduce our dependency upon things that are very much out of our control. I realize YHWH can override any of these world powers at any moment, but I also know HE is going to allow a great many things to "run their course," so I'm doing what I can to stand. As the Post Office begins to observe Shabbat, intentionally or unintentionally, we may see some other changes taking place.

When someone is implementing and improvising off the beaten path, on a project in which the means and the end appear to be diametrically opposed, they may just be in The Other 1 Percent. So for now, while it's possible, I'm heading off the grid with my e-mail, knowing the control of the Internet is not in my power. Meanwhile I'll practice my smoke signals and listen for the sound of the shofar!