Sunday, May 25, 2014

Changing Dependency

I feel like I sound like a broken record.  Even in the previous statement, is the message, I'm out of the loop and antiquated.  Over twenty years ago, "Record Town" didn't sell records any more.  Although I've been somewhat of an awkward oddball most of my life, I haven't always been so far out of mainstream.  There was a time, I truly tried to believe if I tried hard enough, I'd be a success at what the majority said they were striving for.  Twenty years ago, my perspective was changed.  I knew my provision came from on High and no amount of effort on my part toward the American dream would result in success.

I truly wanted to enjoy life!  To do that, we have to let go of what others say will make us happy and ask our Creator how He wants us to make Him happy.  It really is Scriptural!  We were created for His pleasure, and we want His Will in our life, so it would follow, if He's pleased, we'll be satisfied!  Not to mention, the Bible is full of covenant promises that don't really have much to do with the American dream.

 In all the wealth disparity, there is still an unfortunate symbiosis that is literally dependent upon the continued inequality.  The majority of The One Percent are not really members of the elite group who are servants to The Agenda.  Most of the politicians and even the wealthy corporate higher ups are only puppets that are bought and paid for.  I'm not advocating socialism or communism, but the bottom line is, our republic or democracy which ever you want to call it, is dependent upon communism and many aspects of socialism.  And it's odd that the ones who are dependent upon it, don't seem to understand their dependency upon a political system they claim to abhor.

Tea Party members and conservatives are 100% solid in their support of social security and medicare, both of which are programs founded in socialism.  While progressives and liberals vocally abhor child labor and dictatorships, they do use their purchasing power to support countries that utilize child labor and make many excuses for dictators.  Just as the wealth disparity in this country is symbiotic, it is globally.  The US economy is dependent upon China's exports and China is dependent upon America's debt.

This country began the slippery slope of indebted slavery years ago, when farms were mortgaged to buy the seeds for the next crop and when young couples had to save to go into debt with a mortgage.  The term mortgage is fascinating.  "mort" root word of mortal:  subject to death . . . and gage being an archaic term for bet or wager.  Bottom line of the American economy for nearly 100 years.  Young couples saved for the privilege of obtaining debt with the hope they'd live long enough to pay off.   That plan has pretty much run itself in the ground, now that people just plan to make payments of some sort, for their entire life.

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.  Proverbs 22:7

Sunday, May 18, 2014

An Odd Place

I'm not going to even suggest that all the situations I'm watching are The One Percenters, but suddenly several folks in my "circle of influence" are discussing their wishes regarding their possessions and assets after their demise.  I have no idea what any of these people have amassed, as that is sealed information in their trusts, etc.  I want to chuckle to myself that they clearly don't trust anyone to know their business while they are alive, so how can they be so sure anyone will do what they want, once they are gone . . . but I will respect someone's wishes if it's not against my beliefs, and so far, the requests are just about "stuff."

Since I do not believe in seeking medical intervention, no one has asked me to oversee their end of life care.  The last time I had anything to do with mainstream medicine, I trusted a couple of family members.  I'll never make that mistake again.  People truly do need to make sure their wishes are in writing and then find someone they do trust to protect their choice in the event they cannot speak for themselves.  Whether it's health care or estate planning, write down what you want.  It may be completely out of anyone's control by then, but in the event there is still some freedom, it is in writing.  In writing this article I looked at my own "advanced directive" and due to a change in circumstances, I need to update it.  When life changes, make note when necessary.

I would not want to be guessing what someone wants.  I was in that position, seven years ago.  Nothing like being the "next of kin" and responsible party for someone who cannot speak for themselves and had been completely dishonest with what they had "professed" or . . . changed their mind.  At any rate, don't do that to someone.  It's traumatic and in the event of health recovery, the trust is broken . . . completely shattered.

In the case of death and estate dispersal, there may be some lingering doubt, but it's easier to fulfill someone's last wishes, if they've put it in writing.  The people who are discussing their estate planning, with me currently, seem to prize their material possessions above all else.  I'm one of those people who gets the nervous giggles or when things are too heavy, need a bit of comic relief . . . One ongoing discussion of "after death wishes" has gone on so long, I finally suggested, it might be easier to just find a way to take it with them . . . They laughed but didn't change the subject.

I cannot say this enough.  Write down your convictions regarding health matters, and your wishes in regard to final disposition and dispersal of assets.  If you don't care, then write that down, too!  My own mother was telling me some details regarding who she wanted and did not want going through their house and stuff after their death.  She asked me to see to that.  In my obedience to Torah, I will attempt to honor their wishes as best I can, but in the 45+ years they've lived in that house, all I can see is months and months of sorting.  Then there's the fact that I've never had a key to their house . . .

This nation really doesn't let folks die like the patriarchs did in dignity . . . so let your wishes be made known, in writing, and tend to the details!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Not to Be Redundant

A good political remedy will not be forthcoming.  A religious remedy will be a disaster.  Now, with that said, I do know what will solve the dilemma of the death of the American dream.  The solution is Jeremiah 29:11-13.  For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says YHWH, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.  Then shall ye call upon Me, and ye shall go and pray unto Me, and I will hearken unto you.  And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart.
It isn't a group or national solution, but rather an individual heart before our Creator solution.

The Other 1 Percent has realized, it's time to just dig in our heels, roll up our sleeves, and get busy doing what we can to let our light shine.  For some it's trimming the wicks.  For others, it's making sure we our lamps are full.  Still for others, it's getting rid of the bushels that shade the light.  We've also realized the headlines are nothing more than a political tennis match to elicit an upsurge of emotion, primarily anger!

I can't speak for others, but I am seeing the foreshadowing of this fall election to be nothing more than hate-mongering and more division, if we even get to that point before martial law is declared and elections "temporarily" suspended.  I do think we'll make it to that election, first, but the reality is, we are becoming desensitized to many possibilities that will at some point take place.

A friend who lives in an apartment temporarily lost internet connection provided by the landlord, or so they thought it was temporary.  The next discovery was, the landlord would no longer be providing an internet connection . . . Through storms, I've lost not only power, but my home phone is a part of Verizon, and it's been suspended at times due to circumstances beyond my control.  Point being, every time "things" shut down for a bit, we have become accustomed to presuming they will resume.  The reality, however; is far from that presumption.

As an "Other 1 Percenter" I have to remain aware of the bottom line.  The political differences will continue to polarize the population.  The religious differences will not be resolved until the Second Coming, and there is coming a day that a full power grab, will determine who has access to what.  In the meantime, we need to focus on what we can actually do something about!  And it's time to speak to The One who will actually listen!

Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.  Jeremiah 33:3

Sunday, May 4, 2014

No Complaining

That our garners may be full, affording all manner of store: that our sheep may bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our streets:  That our oxen may be strong to labour; that there be no breaking in, nor going out; that there be no complaining in our streets.  Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose G-d is YHWH.  Psalm 144:13-15

I'm not suggesting that everyone across the country become shepherds or buy a couple of oxen, but in this passage of the Psalm, I noticed the "no complaining" and "happy is that people."  Even in the case of economic division, most everyone in this country truly has something they can be thankful for.  As we further divide politically, we are becoming a nation of complainers.  Every political meme is recognizably divisive.  Much of Christianity refers to themselves as conservatives, while much of Judaism endorses the liberal candidates, yet conservative Christianity "stands with Israel . . ."

It's truly time to put away our partisan politics and as a society remove our focus on money.  That's what's keeping everyone complaining.  If YHWH is our G-d, it's time to get happy about that fact, or admit we have steered this society amiss.  The American president is just a reflection of the majority that vote.  Wall Street and banking is booming because the citizenry continue to buy rather than become innovative.  We have to face a fact here, most of us who are not in The One Percent have spent our money on things we've chosen, while entertainment has replaced entrepreneurialism.  

I know I would not have heard the things I have from On High, if I were surrounded in the noise of constant entertainment.  He is still willing to bless the work of our hands, but the blessing may not be in cash!

Our Creator wants this for us, too!