Sunday, July 28, 2013

Doing What Works!

There are many terms for improvising, and sadly many have a negative or derogatory ring to them.  I've always take a bit of flack for my unconventional ingenuity and enjoyment of improvising.  I remember as a kid, my Great grandpa had some sort of weights on his small gates to ensure they would close . . .

In my chicken garden I have to double latch the gates, because my grandkids have pygmy goats that can open gates from a very close to the ground position.  One latch has continued to fall apart on me all summer, so one morning I had to improvise.  I have been a big fan of bungee cords for years now.  I've used them to hold things in place, even keep doors tight, but I never thought of them as being an automatic door closer.  Now, I can open my gate and have it spring right back into place flush up against the chicken house!

It works as well on the gate as my nice one one the front storm door of the house!

Monday, July 22, 2013


I've seen a number of comments and posts as "homesteading" is becoming the latest trend, and with that many are emphasizing the "preparation" for the coming apocalypse or Armageddon or something . . .  Well, I'm not seeing it that way at all.  I had no idea, nearly a decade ago, that I was on the "cutting edge" of some new trend.  I was just listening to the voice of my Shepherd.   I realize "we" are all being put in the same category by many, but I don't consider myself a "prepper" and I didn't know what I was doing was called "homesteading" until last year.  I've really never needed a title to do what I'm supposed to do, just direction from my Creator.

I'd already been shown that my outreach was primarily going to be from home, through the internet and books.  I knew the "hands on" teachings I would do would be encouraging the use of our G-d given gifts" and walk in His Instruction for our health.  The chemicals in the water treatment were affecting my health, and the changes being made to even the fresh foods, were becoming troublesome.  At the time I moved, I had no idea how troublesome!

I had heard my call when I first received His Great Spirit indwelling, and the "title" was about my responsibility and accountability to the One I serve, not a religious position!  Sorting through the nationalism, tradition, expectations, and judgment has taken awhile, and although I haven't arrived, I'm not where I was.

It's taken awhile for me to fully comprehend just how much of Messiah's ministry was meeting people through their physical needs before they received great spiritual teachings.  As I watch the "secrecy" surrounding so many of these homestead endeavors, I remember thinking that same thing.  I'm still not crazy about being the subject of Google searches, but I am running a home business and my books all contain my website and my phone number, so I'm not exactly in hiding.  YHWH reminded me, when I first began to shake off that "hidden" mentality, that the Pharaoh of Egypt knew where Goshen was.

Messiah said two things very specifically after his resurrection.  He told Peter to feed His lambs and sheep.  And he told them all to be witnesses unto Him.  In the perspective He's led me to understand, it's brought me full circle back to "not putting my light under a bushel."  I'm more concerned with being found by those I've been instructed to feed, and I'm more concerned with being "ready" than prepping.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Basic Necessities

This entire economic division began as a Wall Street protest about the fact that 1 Percent of the population holds the vast majority of the nation's wealth, while, at the time, 99% of the population holds about 20% of the nation's tangible assets of value.  There's been some splintering of the "99%" as well as a few more individuals entering the status of millionaire.  The sad situation is, the standard of living for many of the now 98%, has dropped even further.

While the official report states about 50 million Americans are on the food stamp program, some sources cite statistics indicating that up to 1/3 of the American population receives some sort of assistance for basic necessities, such as food and/or shelter.  There are more government food programs than just food stamps. By the time the commodities program is included, reduced school lunches and many receive breakfast, as well, community food kitchens, week-end meal packs provided by various community businesses, and that doesn't include church pantries; there are many, many Americans in need.

With all these statistics, there are two more statistic that we often fail to consider.  Private sector jobs now, primarily amount to minimum wage in Fast Food and Big Box or health care.  Much of the nation's work force works for the government, while much of the nation's working age has found a way to not work, and still receive a check . . . from the government  This brings me to the point, I'm trying to make here.  Whether it's a pay check or assistance, the perpetual motion of our economy is now financed significantly by the government by a large percentage on both ends, and many government jobs amount to nothing more than processing the applications for assistance programs.  

We've had it easy in this country, many call it good.  Even American poverty was well above the standard in many undeveloped nations, but that standard is proving to be unsustainable.  This 99 or 98 percent vs. the 1 percent is not really the division at all, because even The 1 Percent are dependent upon the perpetual motion of the economy.  The Other 1 Percent, although most of us are still involved on some level, the dependence on perpetual motion, has been redirected to a simple sustainable supply.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Just Try Something Unusual

This year as summer is settling over Goshen, I find myself really wanted to stretch a bit more.  Now that the well is wind powered and the computer is solar powered, I feel my main power concerns are addressed.  I have water and can continue my outreach as long as internet remains available.  As I look at the window, I realize there is enough downed timber from natural causes to cook, stay warm, and send smoke signals if need be.

I will admit, I have a few appliances off the grid as well.  Some would have to be on rotation and some simply would be eliminated and back to old fashioned ways, if needed, but I saw something wild and crazy that I just had to try.  Since I've done it, I've truly wished I had it on two different occasions last summer.

I built an "air conditioner" out of an ice chest.  It's amazing!  Actually, so far there are now two.  Once for a friend whose a/c is not working in his vehicle.  This is the one that I truly wish I'd had on two occasions last year.  A friend of mine came to visit late last June in the middle of one of the worst heat and drought times the Ozarks had experienced in some time.  Her a/c wasn't working and unbeknownst at that time, her health was failing horribly.  I wish I'd had my portable vehicle a/c for her last year.

The next time, was when my buddy-in-law was heading to his family for a gathering and I found out that my friend was truly quite ill.  She was only about 75 miles from his destination, so I asked if I could hitch a ride and we made it a road trip, but . . . his a/c was out and he planned to get it fixed when he was visiting family.  Again, I wish I'd had this amazing product last year.

This whiz-bang air conditioner costs less than 20 dollars to make and takes about 30 minutes.  It just plugs in to the phone charge outlet or "cigarette lighter" in the vehicle and for long trips, buy a bag of ice when you buy gasoline.  It's truly that easy and convenient.