Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Black Card

Probably, at least two credit card offers a week, arrive in the mail.  I'm not a high roller, so they usually just go in File 13, but a recent one caught my eye.  It was an offer for a VISA Black Card.  The envelope was huge, and this just had a completely different style than anything I've received to date.  Of course, it was by "Limited Invitation."  Upon opening the envelope, "Luxury Without Limits" was the line in large print came into view.  This was just too much.

The card itself is made of stainless steel and carbon!  The card composition and construction is actually protected by a US patent.  A brochure that I'm sure was not cheaply designed or crafted contained all sorts of special amenities that come with this card.  Special travel privilege, upgraded accommodations, all sorts of perks were described in this several page brochure.  Stated simply, above the web address and phone number, on the back of the brochure was:  "The World Awaits."

With the possible exception of being Biblically translated, my traveling days are over.  Even knowing this fact, my curiosity was piqued.  What captivated my interest, was the expense invested in this so-called invitation.  Catalogues and printed material are a major expense in my business, so I'm somewhat aware of the cost of paper grades, and multi page, duplex printing.  Then I got to the interest rates.  Of course the introductory rate was 0%.  How long has the Federal Reserve had the interest rates at 0%, now?  Five years or something like that!  As soon as the introductory rate ends the interest rate skyrockets for purchases and looks like loan sharking for cash advances . . . The penalty APR was frightening, but that's not all!  Then, there was the fine print . . .

The grand opportunity for the appearance of opulence could be mine for the mere annual fee of $495.00!  And I could order extra cards for authorized users at $195.00 each.

When an economy is founded on marketing a product in which it's only value is to increase debt and offer the delusion of grandiose importance and is actually now selling credit, the economy has already collapsed.  Although it's presented to be breathing life into a recovering economy, discernment tells me, the black card is the over priced funeral to bury the already dead economy.

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith . . .  New Testament.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

How Much Does "The Thought Count?"

We often hear and many use the old cliche, "it's the thought that counts."  Let's think about that for just a moment.  Usually, that statement is made when the outcome has proven unfruitful.  "It's the thought that counts," seems akin to "good intentions."  Since we know the destination of the road paved with good intentions it seems good intentions have already been given their bad rap.  How is that "it's the thought that counts" continues to be acceptable?  It's a ready made excuse.

I've been thinking about this all week and just how little "the thought" does count.  Granted thoughts can turn into words and even actions, but those are usually just the bad ones . . . Good thoughts without action don't count.  For example, imagine how excited my social media friends would be if I mentioned I was thinking about sending a quart of fresh blackberries to the first 25 people that liked one of my posts.  Clearly, without follow through, the thought would not count.  And I'm sorry about not being able to share blackberries by mail . . .

As I surveyed my garden and kitchen this week, the thought occurred to me, how little "just thinking" about canning actually accomplishes.  Granted we have to have a plan to attain a goal, but in the grand scheme of things, thinking the plan through is the easy part.  Carrying out the plan is the work and what actually counts.  It's as if "it's the thought that counts" has removed personal responsibility, because most of our society simply buys what we want without much planning.  I'm not in the other 1% by default of The One Percent.  Nor am in the 98% because I'm protesting financial wealth.  I like the independence and freedom away from the programming of the financial divisions.

On my bar now sits about five dozen jars of various fruits and vegetables for consumption this winter and next year.  If I'd thought about scalding tomatoes or shucking corn, rather than actually accomplishing that, the tomatoes would probably be rotten, and the corn would be turning to whiskey on the ear.  Certainly, neither would be in jars to be a part of a meal down the road.  If I'd thought about picking blackberries, and hoped the thought would count, I'd not have any blackberries canned.

As a matter of fact, I think this One Percent and 98% actually disproves, the old saying "it's the thought that counts."  If the thought counted, the protest would have shifted the wealth . . .

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Land vs. Buildings

Another revelation or realization came to me . . . I know, for many of you it's a "doh moment," but for me it's revelation knowledge.  Did you know, the tax on land is minimal, while the tax on "improvements" i.e. buildings [improvements] is the expense and government money maker?  The tax on unimproved land or land with small or mobile buildings pales in comparison to the tax debt for large structures.

At the first homestead, along with my home, there was a welhouse, it was a fine wellhouse, but a permanent structure and I had a barn built.  The taxes doubled . . .  When I moved I was a bit smarter this time around.  I did my homework and although the well box is not nearly as attractive as the wellhouse on the old place, it is functional, and everything I used to keep in the wellhouse now fits neatly into the milking parlor, which happens to be a portable building.

As for a barn, heat rises . . . I found the most wonderful large wooden boxes, about 4' X 4' at a great price, and the goats just love them.  I can move them, rather than shovel them out for cleaning, and since they are just about a foot taller than the goats, the body heat is kept at "goat level."  Since they can be moved, they are not a permanent structure according to the county assessor.

The simple fact of the matter is I pay less real estate tax on 10 acres than I did on two.  I'm in the same county, but I am off the beaten path, so I also don't have road frontage.

If you're thinking about divesting of mainstream, consider the all the variables for maximizing the investment and maintaining a tax liability.  Shelter is important, but most of us exceed our actual need.  The land is producing fruits, vegetables, and providing grazing for a supply of meat, milk, and eggs.  The house, on the other hand, doesn't produce anything, but dust.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


This video shares a simple observation above and beyond the proposed "issue."  It's not religious dogma, nor is it political programming, it's simply an observation by a gentleman that makes a lot of sense.