Sunday, June 30, 2013

Creativity Required

I've really been moved and highly motivated to insist that we all don't have to be defined by our financial status.  There is another option besides the top 1 percent and "the rest . . .," which is what birthed the idea of "The Other 1 Percent."

I found an article that truly describes the type of individuals who make up the other 1%.  Since the foundation for the Other 1 Percent is truly spiritual, we acknowledge our desire to please our Creator in following Y'hshuwah Messiah, the use of the gifts and talents YHWH put in each of us is essential in bringing Him glory and honor.  We of The Other 1 Percent believe one of the best ways to honor our Creator is to be creative!

I'm not going to take your time with my opinion this week, I'm going to share something that truly inspired me to "keep on keeping on!"

Creative People

Sunday, June 23, 2013

How Much Money Does Life Have to Cost?

That question has been around probably since the idea of some type of currency exchange came into society.  There have always been something, I suppose that a person couldn't obtain through barter and precious metal coins were used to make the purchase.  Abraham buying the burial site for Sarah comes to mind.  Interestingly, figuring the value of silver and the price of land, the same weight of silver is worth about the same size parcel of land.  That extra info is at no cost as we consider just how much life needs to cost and what we do need to live.

We must first assess the term need and really consider most of us possess entirely more than we need.  Basically we all need shelter, food, clothing, and a way to provide them.  All the rest are basically beyond need.  I'm not suggesting we bare bones rough it needlessly, but let's face facts, most of us think we need a lot more.  To be honest, I can't think of anything I want that I don't have.  Obviously I have a computer and if you follow any of my articles, you are probably aware that I own my home and some land.  Well, I own it as much as anyone can own property in a mortgaged country.

So, we're talking shelter now.  Basic shelter is not a mcmansion.  Basic shelter is something that provides protection from the elements and affords a bit of privacy, except in the case of NSA surveillance.  I think that just comes with the entire territory now.  I have a much larger home than I need, as do many of us.  And isn't it amazing how many of us don't like to do housework?   We often mistake a burden for a blessing.  Anything larger than we want to take care of or more expensive than we can afford, is a burden.

I am no fashion plate, but I receive compliments nearly every time I go to town.  I have a particular style that suits me and I've worn it for about 20 years.  As a matter of fact, I've had this style so long, it's come back into style!  I actually bought a new skirt last summer, on clearance.  Clothes are another thing in which, we simply have more than we need, and buy unnecessarily.  Just like vehicles, clothes do not have to be purchased new.  I've shopped at thrift stores for years, because it was cheaper than sewing, and bargains are just fun!

As for food, we may all be coming down to the reality that if we're going to have nutritious food that is real food, we're going to have to raise it ourselves or know someone that does.  It really doesn't take a very large garden to provide fresh produce for a family.

As for the rest of our expenses, I consider utilities to be a necessity at this time, but outside of this list, are options or luxuries.  From most of the conversations I've had, I'd say the expensive part of life is the options.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Nicest Compliment

I received an e-mail the other evening that contained the nicest compliment I think I've ever received.  The gentleman referred to the Goshen Gazette as an honest publication.  I truly do not have the words to fully express how deeply that comment touched me.  In a time of having to question everything we hear and even see, it is a wonderful acknowledgment to be the editor of what has been termed, an honest publication.

One of the very first things laid on my heart, when I began walking with YHWH, following Messiah, was a newsletter.  That was nearly 20 years ago that the first publication rolled off the "Word Processor."  It didn't garner a huge following, but it brought a real sense of responsibility to be sure the words contained validation and the publication itself had integrity.  It was my training ground for a world wide publication.

It's interesting how YHWH gives us certain gifts and talents even before we are walking with Him.  All through my school years, I was on the "paper staff."  Journalism was an interest, as was writing, but it was never something I'd considered myself to "always want to do." Before following Messiah, I really did not have any long term goals or hopes.  I'd never considered being a journalist, much less an internet journalist, and although I wrote daily, I never dreamed of writing a book.  I'm thankful for having that placed in me after following Messiah.  It's made it much easier to differentiate between my ideas and YHWH's plan, and also to avoid any compromise in an effort to obtain what I wanted before I knew Him.

It seems most folks on the internet are writing a book, and I've certainly been no exception.  Many of us maintain blogs, as well, and I am blessed to be associated with some amazingly gifted and talented writers who are genuine.  The Goshen Gazette would not be an honest publication without honest contributors.

It is truly a blessed privilege to be associated with people who are not making big self-focused deals about themselves, but taking care of life, even the mundane things like auto repair to the not so mundane adventures of storm chasing.  I pray those two realities are never simultaneous.  I truly enjoy reading the words that express the grace and provision of our Creator in all aspects of their lives.   The news stories are well researched and the personal accounts bear witness of posts and comments in their socializing and fellowship.

The true integrity and honesty of any publication lies not in the support of it's advertisers, or even it's popularity in distribution, but in the fact that what is written is more than just words.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

On A Lighter Note

The urgency to proclaim the message of separation from the dependency of social traditions often becomes almost like the sound of doom crying in the wilderness, but today, rather than a warning, I'd like to share one of the benefits, which actually unfolds into many aspects

Living off the beaten path and moving away from dependency of what we recognize as our society does have it's draw-backs.  Pizza delivery is out of the question, and if I had a TV, cable would be iffy, at best.  I can't have a standard phone line without going through three or four neighbor's property, so some may consider these factors to be negative.  I think Big Name pizza is highly overrated and overpriced, and they are the only ones that deliver.  I didn't have a TV before I moved here, and as for phone service, cell phone companies cover just about everywhere and they even offer a cellular connection for a home phone . . .  When GPS became built in, I decided I wasn't going to carry a cell phone, anyway.  I don't need to be tracked.  So I have some home based internet/phone connection and when I leave, unless my purse has some sort of tracking device, I'm still foot loose and GPS free!

Actually with SMART technology, G4, Ipads, Iphones, Ipods, whatever, I don't have to be so far off the beaten path, it's my choice.  A laptop in the orchard on solar power feels as high tech as I care to be and actually feels pretty darn SMART!

Let me tell you about one of the great things about being off the beaten path.  I can look out any window and see life, life without concrete.  A rooster just crowed outside my window as I'm typing this.  The sounds of nature are amazing.  I am selling my kid crop this week and the other day, I knew I had to get dressed up for a later event, so I decided I'd spend a little extra time in my night gown before taking my shower.  So, I did chores in my night gown, which is always a treat!  I had three bucks I was attempting to lure into a pen with as little raucous as possible, so I put some special hay in a feed pan in the pen and decided to let their curiosity lure them in.

I was at the kitchen sink working and looking out the window, when I noticed all three bucks were munching away, in the pen.  Out the door I flew to take advantage of that opportunity.  It was all done, easy-peasy, in no time.  Now I realize I wouldn't have goats in town, but dogs and cats sometimes need immediate attention, and children always need an adult on duty.  Can you imagine, if I'd had to get dressed, make sure I was presentable, to capture that moment of opportunity?  I don't do it often, but it is nice to know, I can be much less than business casual without fear of being seen.

Off the beaten path does have it's benefits!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

My Daughter Called it Dropping Out

I call it doing something different than drowning in mainstream.

After reading an article, I sat down and did a bit of my own "cyphering" and to my utter dismay, there is no mathematically sound financial solution to the situation America has created. I've included the link to some very disheartening statistics that are all too real.

I am not suggesting these people do not need help, what I am saying is the math is impossible.

1 in 6 Americans are on food stamps. 1 in 6 Americans are on medicaid. 56 million Americans are on Social Security, so that means an even greater number is eligible for Medicare now or within two years. I say a greater number, because civil service, teachers and railroad retirement do utilize medicare but have a retirement plan that is ineligible for retirees to receive social security. Then there's the VA and Veteran's benefits . . .

As I sorted through these statistics, and they are staggering, another variable of this equation came into view. Perhaps the food stamp and medicaid stats overlap with the unemployment statistics, but unemployment is also another funded situation, with no end in sight, as far as job creation. I realize "job creation" has become a political blame game, but the bottom line is this. Jobs are created based upon making something or providing a service that is needed, and someone to buy that product or pay for that service . . . The same people hollering for job creation will go to the big box store and buy "made in another country" because it's cheap. There's a lot of lip service given about a "living wage" but the products most Americans choose to purchase were not made by anyone earning union wages or even a living wage . . .

Here is the literal mathematics of the situation. Not only do all of these figures really add up to nearly half of our population, that's right, nearly half. Many of the jobs that do exist are based upon managing these services. The agencies that process all of these programs are huge and have large administrative budgets. Then there is health care that is becoming more tied into providing services through these agencies. Much of the employment in this country is now based upon providing care and assistance for those who are unemployed, under employed, beyond the "working age," or deemed disabled.

Again, let me repeat, that I am not saying these people do not need some sort of help, what I'm saying is, what we're doing isn't really helping them and certainly isn't helping the next generation. I don't think the Other 1 Percent has dropped out, we've simply dug our heels in and said we can't help balance this equation and we don't want to cause any more imbalance. So, we've taken up a back to basics plan and I've found I'm able to share food, shelter, information, and encouragement without adding to the federal deficit!